Ray’z Arcade Chronology

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Taito's 'RayStorm X RayCrisis' and 'Ray'z Arcade Chronology' Now Available on PlayStation and Switch
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Taito's 'RayStorm X RayCrisis' and 'Ray'z Arcade Chronology' Now Available on PlayStation and Switch

These two collections feature Taito's classic "Ray series" of vertically-scrolling shoot 'em ups.

While Darius is Taito's number one shoot 'em up series, the "Ray'z" series is a close second. Made up of three vertically-scrolling arcade shmups released from 1994-1998, the Ray'z games still command a loyal following. Now PlayStation and Switch gamers can own the entire series (or just the two newest games) via two freshly-released collections: RayStorm X RayCrisis HD Collection and Ray'z Arcade Chronology. Both collections are similar, so we'll outline what each one contains.

RayStorm X RayCrisis HD Collection

RayStorm X RayCrisis HD Collection contains the following two games:

RayStorm (1996)

Ray'z Arcade Chronology RayStorm

RayStorm is the sequel to RayForce, and the first 2.5D game in the series. Both original and HD (mildly enhanced) versions are available on the collection.

RayCrisis (1998)

Ray'z Arcade Chronology RayCrisis

RayCrisis is the final game in the series. Both original and HD (mildly enhanced) versions are available on the collection.

RayStorm X RayCrisis HD Collection sells for $39.99 on PlayStation and Switch. Physical PlayStation and Switch versions are available on Amazon.


Ray'z Arcade Chronology

Ray'z Arcade Chronology features the same games as RayStorm X RayCrisis HD Collection, plus one additional game:

RayForce (1994)

Ray'z Arcade Chronology RayForce

The first game in the Ray'z series and the only one with fully 2D, sprite-based visuals. This one does not have an HD version.

Ray'z Arcade Chronology sells for $49.99 on PlayStation and Switch. Physical versions are available to preorder in limited supply at Strictly Limited Games.

