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New Video for Microsoft's Single Screen, Dual Image Concept
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New Video for Microsoft's Single Screen, Dual Image Concept

We brought you news of Sony's new Dual View 3D technology a few days ago.  It was recently on display, showing off footage of Killzone 3.  What is interesting about the Dual View 3D tech is the potential to have two different images on screen for two different viewers.  A recent video from Microsoft Research Applied Sciences Division show the same effect using different technology.  This time no glasses are needed.  Using an experimental item called a "wedge" lens, the video shows how holographic images can be viewed without the need of glasses.  They actually use a Kinect camera to track different users, so the image is "aimed" at the appropriate viewer no matter where they move.  The video is pretty dry, but very informative.  Around the five minute mark things get very interesting.  The tech looks like it is still in its early stages.  Check it out and let us know what you think.

Source: Joystiq.com

