Saints Row: The Third

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
THQ Doing Better than Expected Thanks to Saints Row: The Third
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THQ Doing Better than Expected Thanks to Saints Row: The Third

THQ has been a company on the brink of being delisted from the NASDAQ stock exchange due to poor financial results and a low stock price.  But things are on the up and up for the company after yesterdays financial report revealed that the two player co-op open world game, Saints Row The Third, sold much better than expectations.  

Saints Row: The Third has now "shipped in" more than 4 million copies, and digital sales for the game are "higher than expected".

If you remember the game has been supported post launch by numerous pieces of DLC as well as Season Pass content.  We were super impressed with Saints Row: The Third, giving it a 4.5 out of 5 in our co-op review.  Hopefully this means we'll see more great content for the game as well as a full fledged sequel continuing the co-op tradition.  THQ's stock is up $0.15 since yesterday.

See folks, co-op can save companies.  



