by Nick Puleo 14

Welcome to Co-Optimus!

For quite some time gamers cried out to developers to have a co-op mode in their games.  For what seemed like years, games that allowed you to have the same experience with a buddy were few and far between.  But it seems developers have finally heard our cries as more and more titles are including a co-op mode out of the box.  There are even games being designed from the ground up as a co-op experience. 

by Nick Puleo 0
  • xbox live arcade

Schizoid Still Coming to XBLA

From day one, Schizoid promised true teamwork where players have to rely on a friend to survive and advance through the game. The clip is short, but we get to see how the game actually works and why it's so "teamworky". In a nutshell, Schizoid is based on red and blue crabs that need killing, but there is no shooting in the game. Instead, you kill these evil crabs by running into them with the blue player ramming blue crabs while the red player rams the red crabs. But the catch is that the blue player can't touch the red crabs or they die and vice versa making the co-op element oh so apparent.

by Nick Puleo 1

Rock Band Instruments Available Separately Soon

When the now-platinum-selling Rock Band first hit stores last fall, developer Harmonix assured gamers that the game's instruments would be offered a la carte--eventually. Today, publisher MTV Games confirmed that, starting February 12, a $79.99 drum kit and $59.99 guitar would be available in US stores. No mention was made of when--or if--a Rock Band microphone would be sold solo, although the game already works with any USB microphone.

by Jason Love 0
  • pc
  • playstation 4
  • online
Virtual reality dogfighting in space

EVE: Valkyrie Headed to PlayStation VR

The team based multiplayer space shooter that's set within the same universe as EVE: Online arrived for the Oculus Rift earlier this year on the PC. Though it's primary focus is centered around two teams of players shooting at each other, the title does allow you to form a squad of up to five players and shoot up another squad controlled by A.I. Players can choose from one of three ship classes - Fighter (assault), Heavy (tank), and Support (healer) - and earn experience to upgrade and customize them. New ships within each class will become available as you earn more experience with that class.

by Jason Love 0
  • pc
  • playstation 4
  • xbox one
  • couch
Coming to consoles next year

Full Version of Twin-Stick Shooter 8DAYS Now on Steam

The mercenary group known as G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, and Diamonds), Inc. is charged with "controlling the masses" for the dark forces known only as the "Masters of Mankind." In 8DAYS you and a local co-op buddy play as two of G.O.D., Inc.'s mercenaries who are tasked with keeping the peace for the malevolent group. So, not exactly a "fighting the powers that be" sort of game; more enforcing the status quo.

by John Bardinelli 0
Make a healthy living by making living unhealthy.

Track Down Cyberpunk Gangs in Upcoming Co-Op Arcade Shooter Huntdown

In the world of Huntdown, gangs of the retro-future have completely taken over. The Hoodlum Dolls are out in full force, the Misconducts are armed to the teeth, the Heatseekers are riding with a vengeance. Since you're a radical bounty hunter protagonist, it's your job to show them what's for, all by shooting stabbing and slaying everything in your path. You'll collect a bounty at the end of each level as you work your way towards a final boss. Or bosses, as the case may be.

by Jason Love 0
  • pc
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  • online
Kevin Jordan, formerly with Blizzard, and Chris Avellone lend their expertise

Gamera's aRPG Alaloth Signs On Industry Vets

First up there's Kevin Jordan, a former Blizzard employee that was part of the original design team that developed the core systems in World of Warcraft, who will be working on designing and developing the underlying systems of Alaloth. Along with Kevin, Chris Avellone, one of the co-founders of Obsidian Entertainment and something of a creative freelancer within the industry as a whole, will also be lending support in the form of world-building and lore. That's some good talent to have.

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