Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

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Beyond Co-Op Reviews - June 2011
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Beyond Co-Op Reviews - June 2011

Beyond Co-Op Reviews is a critical look at games that don't necessarily have a co-op mode.

As we enter the summer months the myriad of titles continue to roll in.  We're fully loaded this month with 8 solid reviews of titles. Yes, the infamous (also inFamous 2) Duke Nuke Forever is finally out, playable and reviewed.  But there's plenty of other incredibly solid titles on display like Rockstar's LA Noire.

Alice: Madness Returns.................................................................................................. Page 2
Witcher 2
.............................................................................................................................Page 3
Thor.......................................................................................................................................Page 4
Red Johnson's Chronicles..............................................................................................Page 5
L.A. Noire.............................................................................................................................Page 6
Front Mission Evolved......................................................................................................Page 7
inFamous 2.........................................................................................................................Page 8
Duke Nukem Forever.......................................................................................................Page 9

 Explanation of Scores:

 - Golden Billy - This is a must buy title. Truly excellent in almost everyway.

  - Silver Billy - A solid title with a few flaws.

 - Bronze Billy - This one is probably a rental if it interests you.

