Street Fighter X Tekken

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
by Christopher Metz 0
  • xbox 360
  • pc
  • online
Capcom issues an apology to loyal PC fans

Incoming PC Street Fighter X Tekken DLC to Arrive Very Soon

These days, Capcom seems to be doing a lot more work to mend their much wounded relationship with their customer base. Most recently, many PC Street Fighter X Tekken players have expressed their desire to receive the same content that their fellow console gamers have owned since 2012. Apologizing for the long delay, Capcom revealed that the latest DLC for Street Fighter X Tekken will be coming to PC players on February 6th.

by Sam Tyler 0
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • couch
Ver. 2013 will be a major update for the game

Tweaks Away for Street Fighter X Tekken

I remember an age when you bought a fighting game and that was it.  Our online world has given developers the opportunity to tweak a title after release to their heart's content.  Some would suggest that releasing a broken game in the first place is a bad thing to do.  We don't mind so much as long as any updates are free, as in the case with Street Fighter X Tekken ver. 2013.  This version aims to make the game faster to play and easier to see.

by Sam Tyler 7
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • couch
12 new characters can be unlocked from the SF X Tekken disc for the low price of $20

On 31st July, Fill Your Rage Meter: Street Fighter X Tekken On Disc DLC for $20

Building one's rage has been an important part of fighting games for decades.  Be it the old school throwing of the control pad after you lose, or the more modern take of an in game rage bar allowing you to unlock special moves.  In a pique of genius, Capcom have combined both inner and outer game rage by charging $20 to unlock 12 characters for Street Fighter X Tekken already housed on the disc.

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