• Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
by Marc Allie 5
  • xbox 360
  • couch
  • online

Terminator Salvation Co-Op Review

Seventeen words.  That's all that Arnold Schwarzenegger needed to utter in the first Terminator to become famous.  The first two sentences in this paragraph total seventeen words.  It just goes to show you that sometimes, less is more.  Unfortunately, this is not true with the latest game set in the Terminator world, Terminator Salvation.  In this case, less is just less.

by Nick Puleo 5
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360

Terminator Salvation Launch Trailer Pumps You Up

As we told you yesterday, Terminator: Salvation launches today.  To celebrate the game's launch Warnerbros has released a final trailer for the game.  The trailer showcases in game dialog mixed with music and clips of things blowing up in true movie trailer fashion.  The end result is something that should get you pumped up for shooting silver robot dudes with red eyes in the face.

by Marc Allie 0

Even Terminators Twitter from Time to Time

Tis the season for summer movie games!  Fortunately for us, at least some of these games feature co-op.  Terminator Salvation's tie in game is one example, featuring local split-screen co-op.  Shooting metal cyborgs with futuristic weapons with a pal sounds like a good time to me.

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