Killing Floor 2

  • Online Co-Op: 6 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
What Specs Does Your PC Need to Reach the Killing Floor 2?
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What Specs Does Your PC Need to Reach the Killing Floor 2?

Lift going down, to hell

6 player online zombie killing sounds like a great idea and this is exactly what you can do in Killing Floor 2, but do you have the rig to pull it off?  Details have been announced on the PC specifications for the game as well as a Digital Deluxe Edition.

The specs for the game don't look too daunting for regular gamers on the PC:


CPU: Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66GHz or Phenom II X2 545
GPU: GeForce GTS 250 or Radeon HD 4830
OS: Win7 64


CPU: Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83GHz or Phenom II X4 955
GPU: GeForce GTX 560 or Radeon HD 6950
OS: Win7 64

But the Digital Deluxe Edition will make you a daunting prospect, for $39.99 / £26.99 / €36.99 you get :

DJ Scully character, with unique voice pack and set of face/body skins
Additional cosmetic items (each with multiple selectable variants):
"Scullyphones" headphones for DJ Scully, Mr Foster, Hayato Tanaka and Donovan Neal
3D Glasses for Ana Larive and Hayato Tanaka
Bowler Hat for Mr. Foster and Reverend Alberts
Killing Floor 2 soundtrack
Killing Floor 2 digital artbook (that's over 200 pages)
Copy of original Killing Floor

Killing Floor 2 is currently in Beta and you can watch the Co-Optimus crew wreak havoc when we played and streamed the game. 


