Mass Effect 3

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Mass Effect 3 Joins Backwards Compatibility List for Xbox One
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Mass Effect 3 Joins Backwards Compatibility List for Xbox One

Digital version available through EA Access

Some good news for all you fans of the "Galaxy at War" mode for Mass Effect 3. The game, along with Mass Effect 2, are now Backwards Compatible with the Xbox One, so you can enjoy the entire trilogy on the latest Microsoft console. And yes, it appears the servers are still up and running.

It took awhile for these two titles to make it into the list of games due to the fact that they used multiple discs to play, but the engineers at Microsoft kept working away at it and finally came up with some solution to the problem. If you own both games and want to play, then the process for getting them setup on your Xbox One will be similar to other titles. Just pop in the disc and it will download/install the full title. You will need to keep the first disc in the drive if you want to play, but you won't need to shuffle between discs as you progress.

If you'd rather not mess with all that, then you can get the titles through the EA Access program, provided you have an active subscription. Simply launch the app on your Xbox One and get to downloading.

All of this news arrived on November 7th, aka "N7 Day", when a new trailer for the next title, Mass Effect: Andromeda, was debuted. We knew some time ago that this game would likely have some sort of co-op offering, but we weren't sure of what form it would take. Details are still hazy, but it looks like there's a chance to sign up for the beta (PlayStation 4 and Xbox One only) over on BioWare's Beacon portal (an EA Account is required).


