Overcooked! 2

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Combo Co-Op
Get Your Buns Out For Overcooked! 2's Next Free Update
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Get Your Buns Out For Overcooked! 2's Next Free Update

The sun's out, so legally speaking, you have to.

Overcooked! 2 is the gift that keeps on giving these days.  The base game arrived close to two years ago, and ever since, Team 17 has been pushing out content at a rapid rate.  While there are a few paid DLC packs that each add a substantial amount of playtime, much of the downloadable content has been added free of charge.

The game's next DLC, "Sun's Out Buns Out," falls into the "free" category and arrives for PC on July 5th.  The console versions shouldn't be too far behind, but no specific date has been given for them yet.  In "Sun's Out Buns Out," you'll be commandeering your culinary crew to deliver fresh, summer-y treats to your famished customers.  Two canine chefs will be added to aid in this task, as well as five new kitchens, new recipes, new hazards, and (gasp) sauce dispensers.

With social distancing still in full effect, I've had painfully few reasons to yell at my friends lately, and not having a summer salad ready when I asked seems like the perfect excuse to do so.  I'm not sure they'll feel the same way, but regardless, "Sun's Out Buns Out" should be a welcome addition to a game that's already bursting at the seams with things to do.

Overcooked! 2 is out now on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.  It offers local and online co-op for up to four players, and the two options can be combined in co-op lobbies.  If you'd like to read our review of the game's initial release, you can do so here.

