Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

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Beyond Co-Op, June 14th to June 20th
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Beyond Co-Op, June 14th to June 20th

The stories for this week:

- Day of the Tentacle Game Coming?

- Activision President Tells Sony to Drop PS3 Price or They May Leave the System

- Activision Wants Modern Warfare 2 to be Biggest Entertainment Launch of All-Time

- Natal Xbox 360 Rumors

- Transformers, Overlord II and Fight Night Round 4 This Week


Day of the Tentacle Game Coming?

In one of the more uplifting stories of the week, it seems Telltale is willing to harvest LucasArts’ other adventure games with a [i]Day of the Tentacle[/i] episodic game taking center stage. The key thing is that you go out and purchase [i]The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition[/i] that is being released soon in order to get the ball rolling. So, go out and buy that along with the upcoming episodic [i]Monkey Island[/i] game because this can only be a good thing.

Source: Colony o Gamers


Activision President Tells Sony to Drop PS3 Price or They May Leave the System

Bobby Kotick, president of Activision, basically drew a line in the sand for Sony this week by saying they better drop the price of the PS3 or the company may pull out of developing games for it. It is rather ballsy to say this and it will be interesting to see if he will have just as strong of a bite as his bark should Sony not drop the price at some point this year.

Source: Colony of Gamers


Activision Wants Modern Warfare 2 to be Biggest Entertainment Launch of All-Time

Another Activision story, this time dealing with one of the games that makes us not want to totally boycott them over the Brutal Legend lawsuit. They are hoping that [i]Modern Warfare 2[/i] is the biggest entertainment launch of all time. Their competition is [i]Grand Theft Auto IV[/i], which sold 3.6 million copies in one day for a $310 million profit. I believe this is a worldwide total that they want to beat. Should be interesting since the [i]Call of Duty[/i] games have gotten progressively larger in sales.

Source: Games Industry


Natal Xbox 360 Rumors

When Natal releases will Microsoft bring out an all-new system, an all-new Xbox 360 with the Natal technology added on and how will current Xbox 360 owners get on the Natal platform? These are all questions we still technically have no answer to. News exploded earlier in the week with Joystiq and Kotaku taking opposite sides on what they that was going to happen. Joystiq thought Microsoft would release a new SKU with a 360 and the Natal system. Kotaku was on the side of Microsoft releasing an updated 360 with Natal in it. Then Steve Ballmer told an executive’s club in Chicago that there would be a “new console” in 2010 with the Natal system. Then Major Nelson followed that up by saying the Xbox team said we were halfway into the 360 cycle and that no date has been announced for the Natal and that it would be an important part of the platform.

Mass confusion still reigns of course. My best guess is that they will release possibly a new looking 360 that includes Natal as a new SKU. They will also release Natal standalone for all of us that already own a 360, possibly at a reduced price. Then again maybe they will just trade our current 360 with the new Natal connected one. Truth is those are all possibilities in this situation…crazy!

Source: Colony of Gamers


Transformers, Overlord II and Fight Night Round 4 This Week

With possibly the biggest movie of the summer coming out next Wednesday, Activision has the movie tie-in for every system in existence for [i]Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen[/i]. From all the previews I’ve read this game is better than the last one, so that can only be a good thing, right? Along with this game [i]Overlord II[/i] sees release. The first game was a surprise for many people and one can only hope they continue the awesomeness that was the original here. Finally, [i]Fight Night Round 4[/i] comes out. I’m not sure what to expect from this because I liked the demo, but then I read messages on the internet and I get all depressed because people don’t like it as much as [i]Fight Night Round 3[/i]. We shall see.

Source: me

