Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign

On The Download Issue 22: Micro-Epic - Page 2

New in Download and DLC:

It’s been a while! Sorry for disappearing for the long Holiday, but I hope everyone got every co-op game they wanted. In the new year we have a bit of news from CES2011 so far, and a few news bits on upcoming Download releases. Dungeon Defenders showed off at CES with a cross-platform demo. My fingers are crossed for a solid cross platform title in this one - plus Dungeon Defenders looks completely amazing.

The Dawn of War Expansion has announced a collectors edition and some downloadable options for the expansion on PC - Steam and THQ are the only way to get your hands on this expansion digitally. You could always buy it from a retailer, but who wants to do that?

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 has an official date of February 2nd to get your co-op platforming on. The article also has a load of screenshots that are bound to make some part of you tingle. I meant your (re)arms, duh.

For anyone who is frustrated with the world of DRM (Digital Rights Management), the industry leader in cock-blocking our games, Ubisoft is lightening up on their DRM requirements. It’ll be nice to play some PC games without having to log in to their server, huh?

Finally, our year-end awards for co-op games covered some downloadable titles. Alien Swarm and Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light both made that list of favorites with their classy downloadable co-op action.

Free for You:

For this week I don't have anything necessarily free for you, but I thought I'd toss a shoutout to the website devoted to saving you money on all things: CheapAssGamer.com. CheapyD wants to make sure you save money on all things gaming, and deals offered throughout the land (and nations) appear on this site on a regular basis. Check it, or don't complain that you're broke.

