
  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
by Jason Love 0
  • playstation 4
  • couch
  • online
Paid DLC in the works

Local Co-Op Patch Coming to Alienation Next Week

Housemarque's Alienation may well be my favorite twin-stick shooter released this year. From the world progression to the loot progression, there's always a new challenge and better gear waiting just around the corner. While the game has been an online co-op only affair since its launch, the much requested local co-op option will be getting added in a free update on July 5.

by Jason Love 0
  • playstation 4
  • online
Housemarque: Bob Rossing explosions since 1995

Alienation's Weapon Upgrade System Detailed, Explosion Art

Housemarque's newest co-op shooter, Alienation, hits the PSN Store next Tuesday. To get you pumped for all of the aliens and explosions and exploding aliens you'll no doubt be witnessing, the developer's put together a little video discussing their history and a little of their design philosophy when it comes to making fantastic detonations.

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