Shoot 1UP DX

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Shoot 1UP DX Co-op Review
Review by 0

Shoot 1UP DX Co-op Review

Grab a friend and build an armada of ships in this unique shoot 'em up.

Way back in the Xbox 360 days, indie developer Mommy’s Best Games (maker of the co-op run and gun shooter, Serious Sam Double D XXL) released an Xbox Live Indie Game shoot ‘em up called Shoot 1UP. That game would later gain recognition as an Xbox Windows Phone title, though the phone game lacked multiplayer. Several years later, Shoot 1UP DX is now available on modern consoles and PC, complete with local co-op and lots of surreal sci-fi shooting.


The Co-Op Experience: Each player can amass up to 30 of their own ships. If a player runs out of ships, he or she can come back by stealing a ship/life from the surviving player.

Co-Optimus game reviews focus on the cooperative experience of a game, our final score graphic represents this experience along with an average score for the game overall. For an explanation of our scores please check our Review Score Explanation Guide.

