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MMO Co-Opportunities Volume CXI: May Events and Episodes
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MMO Co-Opportunities Volume CXI: May Events and Episodes

Month-long events for TERA and SWTOR, an upcoming new episode for GW2

May’s flowers are blooming and the sun has been making more frequent appearances as we enter the late spring/early summer days of the year. For this edition of MMO Co-Opportunities, we’ll be looking at events for TERA and SWTOR as well as a new episode of the Living World for Guild Wars 2. Let’s get started!

TERA Celebrates 8 Years on PC
Last week, TERA launched a month-long series of events to celebrate its 8th anniversary on PC. Publisher En Masse Entertainment will highlight rotating login and weekly events during the month of May. Events include increased XP, increased item rewards, and heightened drop rates on Card Fragments (all in specifically defined environments, or for specific types of Requests).

In addition, new Chupatokens will be available as login bonuses and as drops to final bosses in specific dungeons. These tokens can be redeemed for all matters of things, with the ultimate reward being a red or blue Chupathingy pet (for 200 tokens), which can auto-loot for its owner. For full details of each event and how long it runs, you can check out the blog post on their website.

