by Nick Puleo 19
  • playstation 3
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Aliens Colonial Marines Fate Depends on AvP

The fate of the four player co-op game, Aliens: Colonial Marines, hinges on the success of another game that just so happens to have a co-op mode; Aliens versus Predator.  So while the Gearbox developed Colonial Marines, a title with a promised four player cooperative campaign was announced first, it's the latter game with the add-on survival mode that will decide when, and possibly if, Colonial Marines ships.

by Nick Puleo 1
  • playstation 3

Playstation 3 Re-branding Explained

One of the more interesting announcements related to the PlayStation 3 Slim was the fact that Sony is re-branding it.  Up until this point Sony's shiny black box sported a Spider-Man the movie font with the word PlayStation 3 all spelled out.  This was a departure from the previous two boxes which both sported PS and PS2 logos.  

by Marc Allie 6
  • xbox 360
  • xbox live arcade
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  • playstation network
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Watchmen: The End Is Nigh Co-Op Review

Rorschach's Journal, August 17, 2009.  The city lies black and misty below me.  I hear a child's scream, cutting through the night like a tire tread through a dog's burst stomach.  Found child in a sleazy apartment.  Turns out wasn't a child, but a full grown man.  Rocks back and forth, sucking thumb... obviously disturbed.  I check for injuries.  Looks at face, shrieks like a bat out of hell, and runs away.  Notice TV is on.  On screen, I see myself, standing next to Daniel.  Seems they've made a video game about us.  Liberal media dragging me into their pitiful attempts to corrupt society.  Still, intrigued by the concept.  Pick up the controller.  Feels odd in my hands.  Must see if name has been marred by media agenda.

by Katrina Pawlowski 5

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Co-op Confirmed

For a while now we've been curious about the Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker trailer that showed us 4 Snakes in different gear on screen at once. Did it mean co-op for us? Why yes, yes it did - they just weren't ready to tell us yet. Now, we have a confirmation in the new trailer. It starts out with brief sentences breaking up the Snake action like a silent movie, explaining how alone Snake in his solo campaign against the world.

by Nick Puleo 5
  • playstation 3
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Madden NFL 10 Co-Op Review

  It's our first sports game review of the site, and up for grabs is Madden NFL 10. The game promises an online co-op mode for two players. We promise our review isn't filled with too many football cliches, but really, how could we not at least use some? ...

by Marc Allie 6

Co-Op Classics: More Genesis Co-Op Gems

Last week, we covered the 20th birthday of the Sega Genesis.  The Genesis is one of the best vintage systems there is, and remains popular even now.  Sega ran a poll to decide which Genesis game would be released to Xbox Live Arcade, and the poll is over, with ToeJam and Earl the clear winner.  It's good to know we have some alien two-player co-op in our future.  But let's not forget some other quality Genesis co-op titles of the past.

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