by Matthew Squaire 0
  • nintendo switch
  • online
Beautiful Mech Combat Coming To Nintendo Switch

Daemon X Machina Gets A New Trailer and Co-Op Confirmation

In a new trailer shown during the most recent Nintendo Direct, the wonderfully stylish Daemon X Machina displays its unique art design and breathtaking action. While there is a trailer with details, Nintendo of America’s official website does provide written details as well stating that Daemon X Machina is set to feature multiplayer modes - both local and online - when it launches at an unannounced date in 2019, although at this time it is only clear that there will be online co-op.

by Jason Love 0
  • nintendo switch
If you want to enjoy jolly co-op online, you'll need to pay

Nintendo Switch Online Service Is Now Live

After announcing that they'd eventually have some kind of online service and then keeping the details of it quiet for over a year, Nintendo rolled out the Nintendo Switch Online Service yesterday. The long and short of it is this: with the exception of free-to-play games, any title you want to play online with friends will require everyone to have an active membership. But, there are some benefits.

by Jason Love 0
  • nintendo switch
  • couch
Coxswain sold separately

Super Mario Party Features A New Co-Op Mode

While the Mario Party series is mainly known as a collection of competitive minigames where the winner is determined by random chance, the new Super Mario Party that's headed to the Nintendo Switch next month will include something new: a co-op mode. The recently revealed "River Survival Mode" lets you and three friends work together to navigate a river before time runs out.

by Jason Love 0
  • pc
  • playstation 4
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  • nintendo switch
  • couch
  • online
PC players will have to wait an unspecified length of time for their version

Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle Available Today on Consoles

Announced only a few days ago, the Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle drops today for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. This collection of classic Capcom beat 'em up titles, a couple of which never made it to consoles back when they were released, allows for friends near and far to team up once more to beat up some baddies.

by Jason Love 0
  • pc
  • playstation 4
  • xbox one
  • online
Rebellion also lays out a content roadmap for the next couple months

New Adventurer and New Maps Available for Strange Brigade

What ho, adventurers! Have you been plumbing the depths of forbidden tombs with your best buddies in Strange Brigade? If so, you may be interested to know that a new character is available to play (free for Season Pass holders and not free otherwise), as well as new maps for the Score Attack and Horde modes (all free).

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