Too Human

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
by Nick Puleo 15
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
Too bad

Get Your Copy of Too Human Now, It's going to be Destroyed Otherwise

Too Human developer Silicon Knights has been locked in a legal battle since 2007 with Gears of War developer Epic Games.  The lawsuit was in regards to engine licensing and support and was originally filed by SI, but later counter sued by Epic Games.  Needless to say it was an ugly battle, one in which Silicon Knights eventually lost.  While initial damages were set to cost them $4.45 Million, it appears things are even worse.

by Nick Puleo 5
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  • online
Two Player online co-op with the developers to celebrate the three year anniversary of the game.

Too Human's 3rd Anniversary Event Includes Prizes, Co-Op With Developers

It's hard to believe Too Human, the two player online co-op Action/RPG from developer Silicon Knights is turning three.  To celebrate the event, the official fansite for Silicon Knights is putting together a week long celebration of co-op gaming not only with the community, but with the developers as well.  On top of that you can enter to win numerous prizes like signed copies of the game or a mini Silicon Knights for your desk.

by Nick Puleo 6
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This Week in Co-Op: Too Human

There's an inherent nature in every human being to want to collect things.  Perhaps its baseball cards, coins, comics or pocket lint - everyone has a desire to create a collection of something.  I think this is why I find myself hopelessly addicted to a game that's well over 6 months old.  This week I picked up Too Human again, and I'm addicted to it not for the story or gameplay, but because of the co-op and item collection.

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 6
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This Week in Co-Op: Too Human

This week, in between battling a crazy barrage of colds, I have been playing hour after hour of Too Human. The game is not perfect, but for me, it might nearly be perfect. I love crazy variety of weapons, and games that mix swordplay with guns. So, as you can see, I would be naturally attracted to the game. However, this column is all about the co-op fun I had with Too Human, so I will focus on that. So, to summarize my experience with co-op in Too Human, I will use simply two words: too fun.

by Marc Allie 19

Co-Op With the Too Human Devs!

Too Human's release has come and gone.  While the game is not perfect, it's still plenty of fun.  Coming this Friday, September 19, gamers will have the chance to play with the actual developers of Too Human. reports that from 7:00 to 9:00 PM EST, ten members of the development team, including Denis Dyack, will be hacking, gunning, and bombing their way through the game.  A list of the developers' Gamertags:

by Nick Puleo 9
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Too Human Selling Not Too Bad

We normally try to stay out of the business side of things on Co-Optimus, but I found this story interesting none the less.  According to the NPD, a group that estimates monthly sales based on statistical data in North America, Too Human sold around 170,000 copies in just 2 weeks in August.  This was enough to put the game in the top 10 sold of games behind the 37 versions of Madden (ok, there were 4) and 21 Wii Gimmicks (ok...2...Wii Fit and Wii Play).  The reality is the only other AAA title ahead of Too Human was Soul Calibur IV for the Xbox 360.

by Nick Puleo 10
  • xbox 360
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Too Human Co-Op Review

And so finally we come to this.  Our review of Too Human's co-op mode.  Can it live up to the hype?  Can it overcome the disappointment of losing 4-player co-op?  And the big question - is it fun?

by Nick Puleo 3
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Co-Op Release Alert: Too Human

And so the day is finally here when we can say that Too Human will be hitting store shelves tomorrow, August 19th.   Too Human is an Action/RPG title from Silicon Knights that features 2 player co-op through the entire story.  The game is very centered around character building and item collection which is sure to be right up any Diablo fan's alley.

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