LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Begins With a Bang
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LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Begins With a Bang

New suits compliment the game's tone well.

Traveler's Tales is calling Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham to be the ultimate LEGO superhero game out there and we can begin to see why. While we do get a ton of new suits, gadgets, and vehicles this time around, it's the epic setting in the vacuum of space and the storyline that sets it apart from the rest.

In the opening mission of the game, Martian Manhunter contacts the player to prep Batman's spaceship for liftoff. Once in space, the task of dismantling Joker and the Legion of Doom's weaponry and reclaiming the captured Watchtower comes almost immediately. All efforts then go into repairing the Watchtower with the other Justice League members. Remember, this is just the beginning.

Along with the strong opening of the game, various suits like the Illumination Suit and Space Suit will change up the gameplay dramatically. For instance, the Illumination Suit for Robin sheds light on dark areas that players might've overlooked and adds a new element for exploration, while Batman's Space Suit allows players to jetpack around and shoot laser beams (sort of like Buzz Lightyear). Even an accessible Bat moon rover vehicle will be in the game to drive around on (though not shown in the demo).

The current gen console also beefed up the amount of content that previous games couldn't match. For instance, more animations and moving objects will be in every area, as well as more characters to play as. Just in case you missed the showcase at E3 this year, please do check out some of the demo footage below taken at the convention (courtesy of Gamespot):

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham will be here by fall 2014 and will come on all platforms minus mobile.

