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Our Weekend In Gaming: Cold Turkey
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Our Weekend In Gaming: Cold Turkey

Trust us, it's for the best.

The Co-Opticrew is cleaning up our act this weekend.  We've spent far too long wringing the last droplets of enjoyment out of some recent releases, and honestly, it's starting to look a little sad.  Just imagine what our grandchildren would think if they heard about the time their dear old grandparent was found sobbing next to an empty DOOM Eternal case.  I shudder at the possibility.

So, in order to start our quarantine lives anew, we'll be digging back through our eco-terrorist roots, cursing at our unfeeling robot companions, and parachuting into remote, hostile islands.  Check it out!

Nick Puleo (@NickPuleo) - "I've been playing Sudden Strike 4 on PC, and enjoying that quite a bit. Will also likely try (again) to finish DOOM."

Mike Katsufrakis (@Pheriannath) - "That thar FF7 Remake."

Marc Allie (@DjinniMan) - "I'm investigating the backlog, and the priority this weekend is finishing the Nova campaign in Starcraft 2."

Tally Callahan - "Playing the usual Smite on PC. Gonna get more Starcadia Quest on the table!"

Enoch Starnes (@enochstarnes) - "I'll be gathering odd fungi in Deep Rock Galactic and playing the turnip market in Animal Crossing."

Matthew Squaire (@mattaghetti) - "I find myself tempted to swing back through Fortnite or Call of Duty: Warzone. I've got the Battle Royale bug."

What are your weekend plans?  Let us know in the comments!

