by Marc Allie 8
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Avatar Awards Ambling Your Way In Left for Dead 2

Love 'em or hate 'em, Avatars are here to stay.  If you have to pick a very Nintendo-like animated persona, you may as well customize it, making it your very own.  Avatar Awards are one of the cooler ways to do this; earning certain achievements unlocks clothes and accessories for your 'toon self.  'Splosion Man did it first, and it looks like Left 4 Dead 2 is the next game to feature Avatar Awards.

by Nick Puleo 1
  • xbox live arcade
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Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond goes Co-Op, Finds Out of Work VG Characters

The above screenshot may look like Mirror's Edge, but it's actually an upcoming Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network game called Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond.  The character name may sound familiar, Matt Hazard: Eat Lead was a 3rd person shooter released earlier this year that had a lighter take on video games.  Basically, the game was a videogame that was a spoof on videogames.  It was fun and frustrating at the same time.

by Nick Puleo 3
  • playstation 3
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Half Priced Zombies in the Call of Duty: World at War Map Packs

PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 owners can get their four player co-op zombie on this week for half the price in Call of Duty: World at War.  All three map packs are 50% off this week.  That gets you the three co-op maps:  Der Riese, Shi No Numa, and Verruckt - quite the bargain.  Oh sure, you also get almost a dozen other multiplayer maps, but you want to kill zombies.  We know it.

by Nick Puleo 59
  • pc

Cities XL Impressions and Giveaway!

Doing something a little out of the norm for Co-Optimus, we have a contest today for city building sim, Cities XL from developer Monte Cristo.  Why might you ask are we giving away the keys to a city building simulator?  Well it has co-op...sorta!

by Marc Allie 8
  • xbox 360
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"All Hallow's Eve" in Gears of War 2 This Weekend

Sounds like Epic is *ahem* GEARING up for a fun Halloween.  The Gears of War 2 "All Hallow's Eve" event begins Friday morning, and will likely keep you glued to your Xbox 360 all weekend.  The fifth title update for the game is available today, fixing some bugs and exploits.  This weekend, XP earned in competitive multiplayer (the tricks) and Horde mode (the treats) will be doubled, allowing you to earn those achievements and the respect of your peers just that much faster.

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