by Katrina Pawlowski 9
  • pc
  • playstation network

Trine Bringing Sexy Back To Co-op

Though it's been warned that one shouldn't judge a book by its cover, we couldn't help it with Trine. Luckily, those warnings that fell on deaf ears didn't apply anyway, because after some demonstrations at E3, it's been said the game is at least as fun as it looks. This is great news for gamers, because they game looks phenomenal. 1up got their hands on this baby for an in-depth crash course, and share some intimate details with us.  

by Katrina Pawlowski 0
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360

Tekken 6 Console Versions Deliver Co-op

Tekken 6, the elusive arcade game, is finally coming to the Xbox 360, and Playstation 3 consoles with a few nice additions. Since we've got the story, that's right, co-op will be included in the story campaign mode. The level of depth added with co-op and other new features to this classic fighter is sure to deliver. With destructable environments, additional characters to the familiar cast, weapons and upgrades, as well as some of the most amazing visuals you'll see in a fighting game.

by Marc Allie 4
  • couch
  • online

Team Up For Turntable and Guitar Co-Op In DJ Hero

The Guitar Hero games have long been very co-op friendly, and that trend will continue in DJ Hero.  We have a gallery available for your viewing pleasure, and if the above screenshot is any indication, there will be two player turntable action.  Fret not (rims shot here), plastic guitar lovers, a very cool turntable/guitar combo mode is in the game as well.  Want to see how it works?  Check out the hands on video of this cool new co-op option, courtesy Joystiq.

by Nick Puleo 0

LittleBigPlanet PSP Screens

There's still very little details about LittleBigPlanet for the PSP, we aren't exactly sure what it will contain.  And while the latest screens only show one SackBoy, it's be pretty much video game suicide to not include co-op in the next incarnation of this title. 

by Katrina Pawlowski 0

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Tactical Espionage Co-op?

Metal Gear Solid made several appearances at E3, including a whole new game for the Xbox360, and a PSP "sequel" to Metal Gear Solid 3. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is set 10 years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 3, covering the conflict that lead to creation of the original Metal Gear's "Outer Heaven."

by Marc Allie 7
  • couch
  • online

Lost Planet 2 for Playstation 3 Confirmed

The rumors have been swirling about for some time, and now we know they are true.  In the Sony keynote at E3 today, Jack Tretton mentioned that Lost Planet 2 is indeed headed to the PS3.  Previously, the game was only officially confirmed for Xbox 360.  This news is not really too surprising, as the first game was eventually available for both systems, too.

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