by Nick Puleo 0

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up For May 2011

May is over and E3 is upon us!  It was a jam packed month full of game announcements, feature announcements and actually - quite a few releases!  By our count we had 13 different titles released!  Of course the biggest news of the month was a bit of a downer...literally.  The PlayStation Network wasn't up due to a hacking attack.  

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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Unsheathe Your Sabers for a New Operation Flashpoint: Red River Video

Didn't this game come out months ago?  It sure did, if you live in Europe.  Operation Flashpoint: Red River will be gracing North America with its presence next week.  This latest video is similar to the others in style.  An uber-tough military-type explains the situation:  American Marines versus the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army, in a real (but made-up-sounding) country called Tajikistan.  It's the kind of video that will have you chanting "USA! USA! USA!" at your computer.  I'm home right now, so I'm only weirding-out a baby and two dogs, and who are they to judge me?  I was thinking of sending a copy of this game to my cousin.  He's currently rooming with a Chinese exchange student...  Nah, I'm just kidding.  Anyway, the video builds appropriate tension while showcasing some beautiful gameplay footage.  

by Andrew Gaskill 2
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A Pair of Trailers for Dead Block

Our own Sam Tyler announced Dead Block on Co-Optimus a few weeks ago.  In his article he subtly alluded to the gaming industry's tendency to occasionally overuse an idea once it has proven popular.  I like his style, so in the spirit of the industry, I'm going to "borrow" it.  (I'm even reposting one of the  trailers he linked.) Dead Block is the latest "dead" title to "deaden" up the "undead" market place.  Seriously, type "dead" into Co-Optimus' search box.  Attack from the Dead, Dead Block, Dead Horde, Dead Island, and Dead Nation pop up.  Don't forget Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Dead Rising 2, House of the Dead Overkill, etc.  And remember, we only cover co-op games.  I am officially copyrighting the titles Dead Dungeon, Dungeon Dead, and either or both of those titles with an "of the" crammed in the middle.  Okay, I came up with the title.  Now someone go make the game and give me 50% of the profits.  Game development is easy!

by Andrew Gaskill 7
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Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 5.30.2011

Hope everyone had a great long weekend.  Always nice when Sunday gets a "Continue."  It's slim pickens for new releases this week, but there is one shining light of co-op hope.  Today marks the release of Hunted: The Demon's Forge.  We'll have a Co-Op review posted for your reading pleasure as soon as possible.  The game will support 2 player local split screen or 2 player online co-op.  Read on to see the other weekly releases.

by Jim McLaughlin 5
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Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Rumor - You Are the Controller

So here we are, one week from E3... What does that mean? It means that most of the good surprises are going to be spoiled. Whether by rumors and leaks or by publishers trying to get their names in your lunchline conversations, expect a solid amount of exciting info to come your way before the expo even begins. Case in point - Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, a game heavily delayed and short on meaningful details, has a couple of tricks up its sleeve that may have already been outed.

by Nick Puleo 6
  • playstation 3
  • playstation network

PlayStation Store Re-Opening This Week

Despite today as being the original planned "full restoration" date - the PlayStation Store and several other Sony services still aren't back online as a result of the PSN Outage from the hacker attack.  All isn't lost though as Sony has assured us that the services will be back online before the week's end in all territories.  Its a good thing too, it would have made for an awkward E3 press conference next week.

by Marc Allie 0
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Radiant Silvergun XBLA Details Emerge

It's been a long time coming, but it appears the wait for the XBLA release of Radiant Silvergun has an end in sight.  We hadn't heard much about it since last year's Tokyo Game Show, but now more information has been released, a good sign that the release is nearing closer.  In addition to local two-player co-op, the Xbox Live Arcade port boasts two-player online co-op.  The standard leaderboards, as well as the ability to watch replays from around the world, will let you share your uber shmup skills with everyone.  Enhanced graphics and an "Ikaruga shooting style mode" round out the package.  Radiant Silvergun is still listed as a general 2011 release, and will cost 1200 MS space bucks.

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