by Katrina Pawlowski 4
  • xbox 360

Co-op Deal: Gears Of War 2: Combustible Map Pack

In this weeks "Deal of the Week" on Xbox 360, the Gears of War 2: Combustible Map Pack will take a nice price cut. If you've been waiting to unleash some awesome in the Combustible map packs new levels, wait no longer. Normally 800, Xbox LIVE Gold Members will only have to fork over 560 this week! The Combustible Map Pack features 3 new stages, Flood, Gold Rush, and Fuel Station.  

by Katrina Pawlowski 8
  • xbox live arcade

Co-op Intact In Perfect Dark For XBLA

Sometimes the words "digitally remastered" is like music to our ears, especially in the case of our Nintendo 64 classics! This time, we've got the original Perfect Dark on the Xbox LIVE Arcade, thanks to Rare and Microsofts team up. Perfect Dark has an updated, smoothed out frame rate, as well as being rendered in high definition. Joanna Dark would be proud, as long as it's not all just another one of those galactic conspiricies.

by Katrina Pawlowski 0
  • playstation network

PixelJunk Shooter Co-op Is Full Of Lava Hot Fun

Pixeljunk, a name in innovation and original content is bringing us something original, and innovative. Out of this latest Pixeljunk news, we get Pixeljunk Shooter, a co-op side-scrolling shooter that we can't narrow down to a type of game to compare it to. You are a ship of sorts, changing an environment by shooting rocks to blend lava and water together to make usable terrain, while saving miners stuck in these underground caverns. Given a certain quota of miners to save in each level, it's a good idea not to drown or boil them to death.

by Nick Puleo 9
  • nintendo wii
  • couch
  • online

Ghost Squad Co-Op Review

Give a man a gun, and he thinks he's a king.  While a giant piece of white plastic with a Wii-mote strapped to it might not be classified as a gun, there's something strangely satisfying about arcade shooters in the realm of Time Crisis and House of the Dead.  Sega's Ghost Squad for the Wii might not make you feel like a king, but there's no harm in trying. Read on for our review of the title.

by Katrina Pawlowski 8
  • xbox live arcade

Magic: The Gathering Unleashes Cards On XBLA

A favorite past time of many is the collecting of Magic: The Gathering cards to unleash on a poor, unsuspecting soul at our local hangout. For those that didn't spend all of their lunch money on Magic cards, it is a game of fantasy using playing cards. By collecting "Mana" or land cards each turn, you will be able to spend that mana to unleash creatures and spells to devastate your opponent. Of course, it's more complex than that, but that is the gist of it.

by Katrina Pawlowski 2
  • playstation 3

Ninja Gaiden 2: Sigma, More Than Just A Port

Ninja Gaiden 2: Sigma caught our attention when a co-op mode was revealed a few months ago, and we've been interested in the development up to this point. Team Ninja has put together a nice interview explaining how Ryu Hiyabusa will work with others in a co-op mode, and how Ninja Gaiden 2: Sigma is the definitive Ninja Gaiden, not just a sequel or port.

by Jim McLaughlin 0

13,000 Valve Fans Boycott Left 4 Dead 2

As of this posting, 13,160 Steam members have joined the Steam group L4D2 Boycott. The boycott is in response to the recent announcement of sequel Left 4 Dead 2, if you didn't catch that. Developer Valve has always had a reputation for delivering quality content at the gamers' highest benefit, sometimes even giving content for free; now, it seems they are shattering their image, and fans are confused and upset.

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