by Nick Puleo 4

Lego Batman Hands On

The core elements such as co-op gameplay, Lego blocks, and collectible studs remain, but the rest has been refined, polished and tweaked to provide an even more satisfying and solid experience.

by Nick Puleo 5

Co-Optimus Deals - Support Co-Optimus

We'd just like to take a moment and thank our sponsors for helping to keep the site afloat. With that, why don't you take a look at the deals below and see if anything peaks your interest! And don't forget to check out our Store! We only have co-op games available to purchase there! Super Smash Bros Brawl - Pre-Order the hottest Wii game ever!...

by Guest Author: 17

Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Full, Pure, Uncut Co-Op

I know I'm not the only one excited about Vegas 2, heck it's the second highest in pre-order sales currently. I played a ton of the first Vegas. I played even more of the co-op mode (mostly split-screen). However, there was always something missing. What was it? You can probably say it with me. Story. Where was the story in co-op mode? It w...

by Nick Puleo 4

The Buddy System of Co-Op *NSFW*

There's a commerical for Conflict: Denied Ops which appears to have aired only on the internet.   It shows off some real world Co-Op tactics.  How does it do that?  Imagine yourself at a bachelor party.  Now imagine the stripper comes out on stage but you and your buddy are stuck behind a crowd of people unable to see the show.  What do you do?  Squad tactics of course.

by Nick Puleo 0
  • couch
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Castle Crashers is Ol' Fasioned 4 Player Co-Op Fun

Castle Crashers is a high intensity, 4-player co-op, action hack and slash game. The game is all hand drawn and rendered in beautiful HD. The gameplay is very much like the old two and a half demensional side scrolling co-op fighting games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men, and The Simpsons arcade games.

by Nick Puleo 4
  • couch
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New Aliens title to Feature 4 Player Co-Op

If there's one game that ever needed co-op, it was a game based on the Aliens franchise.  After previous games based on the series failed to deliver, it looks like Gearbox Software (Brothers in Arms, Half-Life Blue Shift) is ready to step up to the plate.    The game is called Aliens: Colonial Marines and will be available for ...

by Nick Puleo 3

Fable 2 Announces Dynamic Co-Op

Co-op play in Fable 2 appears to broaden the game's combat tactics. Molyneux's character focused on shooting enemies with a powerful pistol, while his partner slashed away with a sword. Molyneux explained the simplicity of Fable 2's combat: magic, melee, and guns each have a dedicated button, so it's apparently quite easy to swap between them in the heat of battle.

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