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Our Weekend in Gaming - Defending those Dungeons
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Our Weekend in Gaming - Defending those Dungeons

It seems that after numerous delays, the release of Dungeon Defenders during this crowded holiday gaming season actually worked out a-ok.  A good chunk of the staff will be heading into the action/tower defense hybrid.  Some of the staff still seems stuck on playing tortur...I mean Dark Souls as well.  It's ok - they probably deserve it.

Nick "bapenguin" Puleo - "I plan to wrap up Space Marine and spend time playing Once Upon a Monster with  my 2 and a half year old.  Slightly polarized gaming content."

Marc "DjinniMan" Allie"I'll be playing lots of Skylanders.  Probably more than an adult should, but hey, I'm looking forward to it.  I'm also hooked on Rollercoaster Tycoon again."

Andrew "Cubninja" Gaskill - "I'm off to Blizzcon to see what Blizzard has in store for co-op players. Once I'm back home I'll be playing Dark Souls, Dungeon Defenders, Payday, and Dark Souls. Then probably more Dark Souls."

Mike "Pheriannath" Katsufrakis - "I'll be doing a bit of backlogging while I wait for a few upcoming games (and my next paycheck), so I'll be hitting up a bit of Just Cause 2 this weekend. I also picked up the PC version of Arkham Asylum on the Steam sale this week, so I'm replaying that as well."

Jim "txshurricane" McLaughlin - "I plan on revisiting Halo: Reach if I have the chance, and I'll be playing some Dungeon Defenders on Xbox Live. Call of Duty: Black Ops is in the cards as well."

Tally "xelissa" Callahan - "I'll be playing some Dungeon Defenders as well as Okabu this weekend, attempting to kick this cold that has suddenly set in."

Paul "EastX" Acevedo - "I'll be playing Dance Central 2 and Once Upon a Monster with my four year old. Kinect gaming keeps the blood flowing!"

Locke Vincent - "I'm going to get a solid Dungeon Defenders co-op session going, and well, pretend to be making progress in Dark Souls.  "

Sam "Samoza" Tyler - "I too have cold, if I get any energy it is the Spiderman for me and perhaps some Gears 3."

What are your gaming plans?

