by Taylor Killian 0
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The Eternal War rages on.

Shrimpers Forever Volume Nine: McSlappy VS The World

Chester McSlappy curiously levitates out the door of his office, the beam of light which so ominously appeared in his office dissipating after its message of encouragement. The ever mysterious board was pleased, though not overly so. The North Irishman levitates out to the parking lot of the Shrimper's home stadium, the Loading Dock, slipping on a fitted paper hat and dragging a grill from the back of his weathered van. He sets the charcoal ablaze and hefts a chipped, two-sided sandwhich board into view. 

by Eric Murphy 0
Friday Awesomely Live Co-Op is awesome and live on Fridays!

F.A.L.C.O. Episodes 1 And 2 Available For Your Viewing Pleasure

We've kicked off a new series of streams on our Twitch channel called Friday Awesomely Live Co-Op or F.A.L.C.O. if pronounceable acronyms are your thing. For now, we're playing every Friday night at 9PM Central, although we may adjust times as needed. We'll play a variety of games but we'll be focusing on games that emphasize co-operation.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Guaranteed to sever your relationships in four hours or less!

Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition Will Let You Squabble Over Loot In The Same Room

Western RPG fans, rejoice!  The critically acclaimed RPG (and runner-up of Co-optimus' Indie Game of the Year Award), Divinity: Original Sin, is ever closer to arriving on your console of choice.  That's right, the very console that your significant other uses to endlessly browse Netflix can now be utilized for open-world exploration and slick tactics battles.

by Nick Puleo 0
Write, stream, play co-op.

Join The Co-Optimus Team! We're Looking for a new Writer

Co-Optimus has been around now for almost 8 years, and as is with anything on the internet, things change and evolve over time quite rapidly. The site has seen many great staff members come and go, move on to bigger things or simply have life get in the way. But like a good co-op partner our staff remains close and in constant communication, always talking about the latest and greatest in co-op gaming. It's time to expand that circle!

by Enoch Starnes 0
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It also teaches us the proper form for molotov-tossing.

Homefront: The Revolution Trailer Reminds Us That Children Are Dirty, Dirty Liars

Let's be real right now.  Everyone reading this remembers the first time they had to give a speech in front of a group, class, or even an auditorium.  For the first few times, it's straight up terrifying, and it seems like literally nothing in the world could make it worse.  It turns out (as it always does) that we're completely, laughably wrong.  As shown in the newest Homefront: The Revolution trailer, public speaking can be way more nerve-wracking.  I'll give you a hint, it involves the threat of hot lead.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Blow up everything. EVERYTHING.

Destroy All of Crackdown 3's City With Cloud Tech

It's been too long since the justice-powered Agents of Crackdown bounded from building to building, casting their own, slightly unhinged net of the "protect and serve" philosophy. New info exploded out of Gamescom this week about the upcoming Crackdown 3, which we haven't seen a lick of since its unveiling at E3 2014. They're not talking too much about story or gameplay just yet, or actually saying how many players can co-op it. New claims have emerged, however, and they're pretty meaty.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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I'm assuming it's coming hot on the heels of the less popular "Get Robbed And Die" patch.

Huge "Loot & Survive" Patch Hits Dungeon Defenders II

"To be honest, no one was ever quite sure why they defended dungeons.  It was just hardwired into their brain's circuitry, sort of the way dogs chase cars, or the way Australians enjoy Marmite.  Even when the success of Dungeon Defenders 2 spawned a proliferation of sequels, players never questioned the reason they held these dungeons dear.  One of those things, I suppose."

by Taylor Killian 0
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Mr. Malkovich is looking a little... Putrescent.

The Final Advanced Warfare Exo Zombies DLC Lives Today

Well, Atlas, you have successfully joined the elite circle of villainous organizations who have nonsensically unleashed a zombie outbreak for totally convoluted reasons. You can now stand proudly beside such highly esteemed groups as the Umbrella Corporation, and, oh yeah, the Nazis. Nothing says "cartoonishly evil corporation" like turning a bunch of folks into zombies and slapping them into power suits. 

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