by Jason Love 0
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Maybe you'll get to control that dog

Co-Op Rumor: Call of Duty Ghosts to Have "Some Form of Co-Op"

The Call of Duty franchise has featured quite a bit of co-op over the past few years, starting in earnest with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's "Special Ops" mode. The various offshoots and separate titles that followed continued to feature a co-op mode, whether it was "Spec Ops" or zombie-related, so it would seem only natural for Infinity Ward's next-gen title, Call of Duty: Ghosts, to include it too, right? Well, maybe?

by Nick Puleo 2
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You DID buy a season pass, didn't you?

Aliens: Colonial Marines Getting Campaign Based DLC

Ok, we admit Aliens: Colonial Marines is one of the biggest failures in gaming we can remember in recent history. It took years and years to develop, it was released loaded with bugs and glitches, the campaign was just downright lacking, and the Wii U version was canceled. But that shouldn't stop anyone from making some good ol' fashioned DLC, should it?

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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Visit the Pier of Pain!

Killing Floor Free to Play For One More Day

Killing Floor's annual Summer Side Show is in full effect.The FPS zombie thrasher has been well supported by developer Tripwire Interactive for years, and this summer is no different. The free to play event actually started up last Wednesday, but most of the Co-Optimus crew was knee deep in pre-July 4th frivolity by the time we got the news. Exploding skies and what not. We've got some killer new screens and a juicy new video with all the details.  

by D.J. Waaland 3
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Charlie Murder finally sees the light of day

Summer of Arcade 2013 Dates and Prices

It's summer again. America just got another year older, and in many parts of the US, it is too hot to play outside. Fortunately, there is heaps of entertainment to be had in your living room, next to your air conditioner. As we celebrate another year, another Xbox Live Summer of Arcade is about to take place. Beginning on August 7th, the Summer of Arcade for this year will feature four titles. A few of these titles will feature co-op as well.

by Andrew Gaskill 0

Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 7.8.2013

Hello friends! You may have noticed the fancy new site. I'm still trying to get used to it, myself. So if you see any typos, incorrect information, grammatical errors, or any other mistakes in my posts for the foreseeable future, it's because of all this newfangled technology. Moving on. What co-op games are coming out this week? None, really, but let's make due with what we have. 

by Tally Callahan 0
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RIFT Free-to-Play, GW2 Updates, and Elder Scrolls Online dungeon info ahoy!

MMO Co-Opportunities Volume XXXIV: July 2013 (A Little Bit of Everything)

The hot days of summer are usually pretty good to MMO players as many MMOs launch content updates during this time. In the past few years this is also a time when many subscription MMOs decide to switch to a F2P mode. This summer looks to be no exception with RIFT going F2P and Guild Wars 2 rolling out quite a few content updates. To cap things off...

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