by Locke Vincent 1
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Tighten Your Toga, Hades is Coming

God Mode Co-Op Review

Get ready to traverse the depths of Hades with four player co-op in God Mode. The fast paced shooter is drizzled in Greco-Roman mythology and makes for a simple, yet beautiful game. You’re not going to be playing God Mode for a long time, but that doesn’t matter because the time you do spend with it will be enjoyable. There is plenty of room in hell for fast-paced action shooters, so if you are looking for some mindless entertainment it's time to turn on God Mode.

by D.J. Waaland 3
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Scott Pilgrim, Dungeons and Dragons, and more

Upcoming Xbox Live Content Contains Sales on Coop Titles

The following Xbox update comes straight from Major Nelson himself. Among the upcoming content for the Xbox Live Marketplace are sales on select cooperative games. These titles include Scott Pilgrim vs. the WorldDungeons and Dragons: Daggerdale, and The Simpson's Arcade Game. When the games go on sale, if you don't already own them, it might be a good time to grab some buddies and gobble them up. For a complete list of the planned Xbox Live content, take a look below:

by Christopher Metz 1
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It's completely free, so what's not to like?

Rayman Legends Challenge App Now Out on Wii U

While Rayman fans were undoubtedly shafted from grabbing Rayman Legends on Wii U earlier this year, we’ve finally been given some sort of compensation for having to wait. Released today, gamers can download the special “Rayman Legends Challenge App” on Wii U and hold off their Rayman Legends appetite until the game’s official release this summer.

by Christopher Metz 0
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New DLC bundles available in the Item Shop, while others come free!

Lots of Crazy Items and Costumes Found in DungeonLand's Latest Update

Since our DungeonLand promotion back in late January, developer Critical Studio has been working very hard to draw in new players heroes to their game. The most recent tweaking of gameplay balance and additional content has given us even more fixes and some crazy character items to obtain, both free and through DLC.

by D.J. Waaland 1
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More mashing than a side of potatoes at Thanksgiving

Sacred Citadel Co-Op Review

Bring along a healthy controller and a friend for this brawler set in the Sacred universe. Features four playable characters, stat-progression, customizable equipment, and a whole lot of button mashing. Some gameplay decisions prevent this game from truly shining in the herd of brawlers floating around. Still, it is an entertaining romp best experienced with two other friends on the same console.

by D.J. Waaland 0
  • playstation 3
More slashes than a budget horror film

Resident Evil Franchise Discounted on Playstation Store

"Spring Fever" continues this week on the US Playstation Store. The focus of this week's discounts is the Resident Evil franchise. Playstation 3 and Playstation Vita owners can enjoy great discounts on the entire catalog of Resident Evil titles this week. Both Resident Evil 6 and Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition feature some very fine cooperative gameplay, and if you do not own them already, are definitely both worthy of looking into. The Playstation Plus discount yields a significant discount on the already lower priced sale items. For a complete list of the Resident Evil games on sale this week, take a look below:

by John Bardinelli 0
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He's also going to be starring in your nightmares tonight.

Michelangelo Stars in New TMNT: Out of the Shadows Video

Stepping into the spotlight one by one, a new series of trailers have begun trickling through the intertubes promoting the impending release of the arcade brawler Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. It starts with Michelangelo, who we already know "is a party dude". He also happens to be the youngest and fastest member of the turtle bunch. The trailer below shows off some of his moves, and the image above shows off his ability to induce nightmares.

by Sam Tyler 5
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Fighter and Cleric revealed

The New D'n'D: Chronicles of Mystara Trailers Show Their Class(es)

I was always more of a Warhammer fan growing up, but that does not stop me from having a soft spot for Dungeons and Dragons, especially in the form of 4 player co-op D&D: Chronicles of Mystara.  This combo pack of D&D games is coming in June across PC, XBLA, PSN and Wii U.  For any RPG game to work you need to know what class to play - hence these new Fighter and Cleric trailers.

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