by Andrew Gaskill 3
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Change the world

New Fuse Trailer Offers a Villain's Perspective, Insomniac's CEO Offers Insight on Co-Op

The latest trailer for Insomniac's cooperative shooter, Fuse, allows us to see things from the Raven leaders' point of view. They're simple people, really.-simple people running a technologically advanced paramilitary organization bent on global domination. The leaders of this force are trying to capture the Fuse substance to reshape the world. Of course, their vision of this new world is one of profiteering, toppled governments, terror, and supplication.

by Nick Puleo 1
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You can't see it...yet.

Call of Duty: Ghosts to be Unveiled with Next Generation Xbox on May 21st

Activision has unveiled the next game in the Call of Duty franchise, or rather, they have unveiled when the full unveiling of it will be. The game is called Call of Duty: Ghosts and is being billed as a new subset of the franchise breaking away from the Modern Warfare and Black Ops storyline and characters. Everything will be unveiled on May 21st when Microsoft reveals their next generation console at an event in Redmond, Washington.

by John Bardinelli 0
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Get it? Because of imps?

Impire Update Adds More Co-Op Content

Nothing is more exciting than subterranean architecture. Nothing. Therefore, the very concept of the Dungeon Keeper-esque Impire is equal to approximately four and a half barrels full of monkeys (the international standard for fun measuring). An action-strategy game at its core, Impire places you in charge of a sprawling underground lair teeming with the usual stuff that teems in underground lairs. It's your job to build and maintain the dungeons and ensure the minions stay properly demonic in the process.

by John Bardinelli 0
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Moths. Colored moths. I need them.

Zeno Clash II Gameplay Footage Released

After all the teases and quick looks, Atlus has finally released a video that shows a significant amount of gameplay from Zeno Clash II. The first person melee game is set in a surreal world where combat is as combo-heavy as it is hands-on. No fair using guns to pick foes off from a distance. Here, you actually have to step in and get some blood splattered in your face. It's a bit like Mirror's Edge with a lot more punching. Wait, let's go back and write that again with emphasis: a lot more punching.

by Sam Tyler 1
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The Avengers and then some

Marvel at the new LEGO Super Heroes Trailer

Seen Iron Man 3 already and can't wait until 2015 for Avengers 2?  Well fear not web heads as LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is coming later this year.  Not only can you create Avengers escapades, but the rest of the Marvel Universe will be on show, from Wolverine to Deadpool.  Some of the available characters are in this new teaser trailer for the game, but as Iron Man suggests, they are going to need a few more heroes to help with this colossal problem.

by Guest Author: 0

Co-Opticast Episode 106: What's Yours is Mine Episode

It's a short episode this week but there's one game we HAVE to talk about - and that's Monaco. It could be the co-op game of the year already, and if anything, it's completely unique. Check out the goods as Locke, Nick, Mike and Jason dive into what makes the game great for each of them.

by Nick Puleo 0
Gaming showers bring May...somethings.

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for April, 2013

April was a surprisingly busy month, seeing the release of several major co-op games like Star Trek, Dead Island: Riptide, BattleBlock Theater, Defiance and many others. Lucky for you we were there with 13 reviews of several of these games. News was pretty light as the industry gears up for E3 2013 in June. Here are some of the features, reviews, and articles you may have missed for April 2013 in co-op gaming.

by Andrew Gaskill 12
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Star Trek Co-Op Review

Let me save you some time. This is a bad game. I played through the whole thing, and it felt like work -no, not even work. Worse. It was like an awkward obligation you have to fulfill for an ex in front of her family. As if you promised to help her move, then dumped her. You still help her move, because you feel bad. Now you have to talk to her dad while you help him carry a lust-battered mattress up three flights of stairs. This is not how you want to spend your free time.

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