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Syndicate Co-Op Demo Hits PSN, XBLA This Month
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Syndicate Co-Op Demo Hits PSN, XBLA This Month

We're a little over a month away from the release of a game that's certainly one of my most (hesitantly) anticipated co-op games of the year, Starbreeze's FPS remake of Syndicate. When I first heard about one of my favorite RPG, RTS hybrid games for the PC getting a new release, I was rather hesitant about the change to a FPS format. Then the game footage started making the rounds and I was a little more encouraged. The co-op aspect, though, is one that still leaves me wondering a bit about how well it will actuall work within the game's seemingly "twitch" framework. Fortunately for all of us, we'll be able to test it out soon enough.

EA, the game's publisher put out a press release today stating that:

Starting the end [sic] of January with the release of the four-player Syndicate™ co-op demo, gamers have the power to create their own Syndicate to take down the competition. Some takeovers will be more hostile than others.

That's right; it'll be time to get your augmented badness on with your buddies in just a couple weeks!

There were a few more details given about the demo later on in the press release:

The Syndicate co-op demo will feature one of the nine missions in the game, all of which can be played with up to four players and many of which have been reimagined from the original hit game. In this mission called Western Europe, gamers must team up and infiltrate Cayman Global, assassinate Colonel Enrico Gabron, steal his technology blueprints and force his people back across the Atlantic. The odds of success look promising with Cayman Global badly weakened after their war against Eurocorp, but it won’t come easy. The Syndicate co-op demo will be available worldwide for a limited time on Xbox LIVE® Marketplace** and the PlayStation®Network.

** Xbox LIVE gold membership is required to download the demo

Many of you may be curious about these "reimagined" missions from the original game. Perhaps some are even wondering, "would it be possible for me to play the original?" Well, seems like the fine folks over at Good Ole Games have an answer: yes! The original Syndicate will arrive at this Thursday for just $6. Having recently played an emulation of the game, I can tell you that the game does age fairly well and is worth the price. If you'd like to save on the price of admission, though, GoG is running a contest on their site to win a free copy of the game.

Feels like this new year of gaming is starting off right!


