by John Bardinelli 1
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Modders, get ready to rock.

Miner Wars 2081 Update Releases Full Source Code

Miner Wars 2081, the game that's all about mining and warring in space, has just received a major update,  switching the rendering engine from XNA to DirectX for improved stability along with a few other tweaks and fixes. More notable, however, is the fact that both the game and the VRAGE engine's source code have been released, opening the flood gates for the modding community to sweep in and do what they do best.

by John Bardinelli 3
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And more dynamic lighting than a Prince concert

Legend of Dungeon Combines Roguelike and Beat-Em-Up

As of this moment, Legend of Dungeon is available to purchase. The 2.5D sidescrolling roguelike takes a page from old school brawlers like Double Dragon and wraps everything in a moody, dynamically-lit RPG shell, complete with randomly generated content. The result is a challenging and great-looking game that throws everything at you from snakes to crawling things that latch onto your face.

by Guest Author: 0

Co-Opticast Episode 103: The SimCity Episode

SimCity is all up in the news these days and for all the wrong reasons. What should have been an incredibly interesting and unique co-op experience was marred by server issues and other problems. The Co-Opticrew discuss everything about EA and Maxis's always on requirement and talk in depth about the game in general.

by Andrew Gaskill 18
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Maybe too much.

Saints Row 4 Reveal Trailer Has Got Everything You Need and Then Some

Saints Row 4 will be crotch-punching its way to store shelves this August. The follow up to 2011's unabashed depravity simulator will feature, well, a whole bunch of stuff. The reveal video has about 60 different cuts of gameplay footage, many including shots to the man region --and car chases, explosions, black-barred nudity (NOT the good kind), dancing, super powers, aliens, robots, and giant kaiju energy drinks. Just strap in and watch the video. 

by D.J. Waaland 2
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Addictive civ content imminent

New Civilization V Expansion Announced - Brave New World

There is no denying that Firaxis knows how to make an addictive game. Like its predecessors, Civilization V is addictive, fun, and engrossing. The first expansion, Civilization V: Gods and Kings, packed a surprising amount of content for an expansion. Firaxis just announced in a press release that the next expansion for Civilization V will be titled "Brave New World." Like Gods and Kings before it, Brave New World will be loaded with extra content. It will also introduce new ways to play the game and carve your way to victory.

by Nick Puleo 5
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A blossoming bro-mance?

Dead Space 3: Awakened DLC Co-Op Impressions

EA took a risk making Dead Space 3 a co-op affair - and for all intents and purposes - we found it a resounding success of how you make a co-op game without sacrificing the single player experience. But the game ends with a few questions left hanging, so it was inevitable that some DLC would be arriving. Andrew and I have played through the content , called Dead Space 3: Awakened, and feel the need to weigh in. Fair warning - there's going to be some minor spoilers here from Dead Space 3's main campaign. If you haven't finished it you may not want to proceed.

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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It's all about timing.

Disney Infinity Delayed Until August

The Disney Infinity launch has been pushed back to mid-August. The Big D's upstart challenger to the Skylanders franchise was originally slated for a June release. Like the incredibly successful Skylanders series, Disney Infinity will feature small action figures that come to life in-game when placed on a special peripheral, in this case called the "Infinity Base." Someone must have crunched the numbers and come to the conclusion that kids don't stay inside and play video games during the summer. Go figure.

by D.J. Waaland 4
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Stock up on pickaxes and porkchops

Retail Version of Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Releases in April

Lets face it, when you are looking for a great cooperative romp on a console, Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition comes up often in conversation. It is fun, accessible, addictive, and is constantly being supported by great updates. Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition has been out for almost a year, and it looks like there will be a retail disc release for the game on April 30.

by Jason Love 0
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Just a taste of the possibilities available

User Created Levels in New BattleBlock Theater Video

We are still awaiting to learn about the final release date for Behemoth's next title, BattleBlock Theater, as the more we see and hear, the more we want it to be released already. The latest teaser from them showcases some of the user created levels that those lucky few beta testers made during the recent(ly finished) open beta. The level editor itself is a feature that was demoed at PAX 2012 and was confirmed to be cooperative, though we weren't able to get our hands on it at the time. Check out what insanity your fellow players will have in store for you.

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