by Nick Puleo 0
  • pc
  • online
Server status page added for convienence

SimCity Servers and Game Patched

With a launch that hasn't exactly been smooth, SimCity has had a rough couple of weeks. It seems there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel for the game as Maxis and EA have upgraded and patched all the game servers adding almost 20 times the performance of what they originally had. This should hopefully alleviate connection issues players were having with the game. EA has also added a server status page to check just how full your favorite server is.

by Sam Tyler 0
  • Xbox Live Arcade
  • couch
SOS - Save Our Saves

Pid Patch Perfects Patchy Performance on 360

Modern gamers are soft.  Back on the ZX Spectrum the concept of saving did not exist, you had to complete Jet Set Willy in one go - man up!  Modern gamers expect a save point every few seconds just in case they die, boohoo.  Pid is a local 2 player co-op game that was hard to begin with, but even harder when the save files did not always work on the 360.  Now that is too tough, so a patch has arrived.

by Locke Vincent 0

Capcom Unveils Hunk Gameplay Trailer for Resident Evil Revelations

Capcom has released their latest trailer for Resident Evil: Revelations Unveiled Edition that features gameplay for one of the main characters, Hunk. Taking the Nintendo 3DS title and giving it an HD makeover, Hunk joins Jill Valentine on a cruise ship that of course is the site for the latest outbreak of the (insert letter here)-virus as they search for the missing Chris Redfield. 

by John Bardinelli 1
No gameplay, but that robot guy seems totally badass.

Sanctum 2 Teaser Trailer Drops Out of the Sky

The tower defense/FPS hybrid Sanctum turned more than a few heads when it was released in 2011. It got enough attention that developer Coffee Stain Studios announced a sequel the very next year and has been hard at work ever since, building the game's engine anew and incorporating loads of player feedback. Now, Sanctum 2 is being teased out in small doses, and the first delivery includes just enough eye candy to get our attention.

by John Bardinelli 1
  • iphone
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  • ipad
Still some of the best pixel art around.

Metal Slug X Comes to iOS and Android

A sort-of-new release in the classic arcade realm, Metal Slug X is a remake of Metal Slug 2 that has been reworked for iPhone, Android and iPad devices. The game, which marks the fourth mobile Metal Slug release, features tweaked controls for the touch screen as well as altered enemy positions and maps, making it a much different experience than the game it's based on. It's also just one letter away from Metal Slug XX, which is totally not confusing at all.

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