• Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
by Jason Love 0
  • pc
  • playstation network
  • couch
  • online
Release Delays Don't Always Have to be Bad

ibb and obb Release Delayed for a Reason We Support - Adding Online Co-Op

Some of you may remember an indie co-op game called ibb and obb that we mentioned way back on our "Co-Op Games of 2012 Preview" episode of the Co-Opticast. The premise of the game (based on what we've seen so far) is fairly simple: two creatures (the titual ibb and obb) attempt to traverse a landscape that is mirrored across a horizontal plane. Traversing this landscape entails working together and using the inescapable affects of gravity to reach higher ledgers, soar past enemies, and generally pull of some pretty cool jumps.

by Jason Love 0
  • pc
  • playstation network
  • couch
  • online

Indie Co-Op Platformer ibb and obb to Arrive in 2012, New Gameplay Trailer

In the latest episode of the Co-Opticast, the Co-Opticrew talked about all the co-op games coming out in 2012 and those about which we're most excited. Being the resident "indie guy," there were three games that I've been told would be seeing releases this year, but indie games do have a way of suddenly slipping into new release dates. Fortunately, one of the games to which I'm looking forward, ibb and obb - a co-op platformer with a new twist on gravity puzzles - will definitely be seeing a release on the PSN (and possibly the PC) this year according to the game's developer.

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