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Co-Opticast Episode 110: The Steam Sale Episode

Quick, someone get Locke some help. The dude has managed to buy ALL OF STEAM during the sale currently going on. We mix things up this episode and chat about what we've bought on Steam before we dig into what we've been playing, the latest co-op news, and then a discussion about Co-Optimus 4.0!

by Andrew Gaskill 0
  • playstation 3
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Who needs context?

Armored Core: Verdict Day Trailer Explains Nothing, Explodes Everything

The new Armored Core: Verdict Day trailer is here, and boy, is it something. Have you ever caught a single episode of an unfamiliar anime halfway through the series and listened to the opening? Something like, "Previously on Super Robot Miniskirt..." and then you're forced listen to random dialog between a dozen different characters jabber on about things you never heard of, all without any context or knowledge of past events while some bizarrely out of place song drones on.

by Locke Vincent 0
A little taste of the plague

Scourge: Outbreak Co-Op Review

It has been over three years since indie developer Tragnarion released The Scourge Project. Fast forward to present day and we have Scourge: Outbreak, and it isn’t going to cure those summer doldrums. Stay outside kids because this is one of the most generic third person shooters to grace a television. Plagued by technical issues and shoddy AI, Sco...

by D.J. Waaland 2
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Adds new missions and robot NOVA

Warframe Update 9 Released

Earlier yesterday, the latest title update for the free-to-play cooperative shooter Warframe went live. Title Update 9 brought a host of changes to the game, namely in the form of additional missions and a new robot-ninja for your pleasure. The new robot-ninja, codenamed NOVA, was created by the community through the Design Council. The Design Council is a group of users within Warframe who actively work and support the game, and they were the ones entrusted with designing this latest robot-ninja.

by Sam Tyler 0
  • playstation 3
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Time waits for no zombie

PS3 and PC Owners Called to Duty for Vengeance DLC on August 1st

That shambling, shuffling noise is not the sound of the latest 4 player zombie map for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, but the slow progress of its release on PC and PS3.  The Vengeance DLC has been available to download on 360 for weeks, but has yet to arrive on these other platforms.  The end of days is in sight with news that Vengeance will be met on August 1st for $14.99, or as part of a season pass.

by Andrew Gaskill 0
Wrath of the Licensed Games

Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 7.15.2013

The summer keeps going and going and going. This week we have some licensed movie games, Serious Sam gets a collection, and Dynasty Warriors spawns another sequel. In awesome news, I saw Pacific Rim over the weekend. It was better than I anticipated, but not as good as I wanted it to be. I hope it does well enough at the box office to warrant a kick-ass Voltron movie. Dare to dream. 

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