by Nick Puleo 1

Patapon 2 Goes Download Only

Sony plans to launch Patapon 2, a four player co-op game for the PSP, on May 5th in the United States.  The game, released earlier this year in Japan on UMD, is going to be available via digital distribution channels only confirmed Kotaku. 

by Nick Puleo 2
  • pc

New Dawn of War 2 Patch is Live

There's a new patch available for Dawn of War 2 on the PC, bringing the game's version up to 1.21.  There aren't any co-op specific fixes in the patch, other than a few achievement glitches, but that doesn't mean it's not good to be up to date.

by Marc Allie 0
  • nintendo wii
  • couch
  • online

Creepiness Abounds in Dead Space Extraction Gameplay Footage

Dead Space Extraction has us intrigued.  First of all, the previous Dead Space game was fairly well received, though unfortunately it was single player only.  Secondly, the announcement of the game was a bit unclear.  Was it a straight port of the previous game?  Could the graphics capabilities of the Wii keep up?  Finally, Dead Space Extraction was revealed as a two person co-op "on the rails" style shooter.  This announcement caused some controversy, and many lost faith that Extraction would live up to the quality level of the first game.

by Nick Puleo 11

Soldiers hope for Co-Op in Six Days in Fallujah, Would Like Puppies Too

Last week when Konami announced Six Days in Fallujah, a tactical game set in the current war in Iraq, there was quite a bit of public outrage.  Members of several groups, including the British military spoke out publicly against the game.  "It's much too soon to start making video games about a war that's still going on, and an extremely flippant response to one of the most important events in modern history. " Said Tim Collins a former colonel, "It's particularly insensitive given what happened in Fallujah, and I will certainly oppose the release of this game."

by Mike Katsufrakis 0
  • pc

Painkiller Sequel Offers Exploding Schoolbuses, Co-Op

The original Painkiller is one of my favorite over-the-top, mindless shooters- right up there with the Dooms, Duke Nukem 3Ds and Serious Sams of the world.  So, when IGN UK received word that a new chapter in the series, Painkiller: Resurrection, is being developed for PC (with a later release on 360) and a fourth quarter release this year, my heart went aflutter.  What's more, the lovely developers at Homegrown Games have decided to include cooperative play! To wit:

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