by Locke Vincent 5
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A Plague of Space Bugs

Legends of Pegasus Co-Op Review

Legends of Pegasus is the latest 4X title to hit the digital store shelves, brought to us by a new team from Germany called Novacore Studios. On the surface it looks to have everything you would need in a strategy game of this nature but it ends up being a mish mash of ideas stripped from previous games. Riddled by bugs, Legends of Pegasus is a shell of a game that does nothing for the genre and requires little of you attention.

by Nick Puleo 3
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On sale today only on Amazon

Ghost Recon Future Soldier Can Be Yours for under $40

Ghost Recon Future Soldier came out earlier this summer to fairly solid reviews, including our own 4 out of 5 for the game's co-op mode.  As we charge into the Fall gaming season, you might want to find some cheap co-op gaming before dropping the big bucks for a Borderlands 2 CE or copy of Halo 4.  Luckily, Amazon has you covered today to hold you and your wallet over.

by Nick Puleo 6
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While the resolution is fixed, it doesn't help the whole death problem.

Dark Souls PC Resolution Bugged, Fixed By Modders in Minutes

If you purchased the new PC release of Dark Souls, the Prepare to Die Edition of the game, you may have not been prepared for just how ugly the game looks.  PC owners are a proud bunch and we like our games to run silky smooth and look great while doing it.  Instead gamers were greeted with a blocky, pixelated mess when they attempted to play the game at its locked 1024x768 resolution.

by Sam Tyler 3
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A new trailer highlights the tower defence aspects of Full Frontal

Tower Up with Ratchet and Clank

If Assassin's Creed Revelations taught us anything, it's that not all games need tower defence.  Despite one major franchise failing, this has not stopped Insomniac Games from incorporating the gameplay style into their upcoming Ratchet and Clank: Full Frontal Assault (Q-Force in Europe as FF sounds too rude!).  Check out the new trailer and decide for yourself whether defending a tower within a 3rd person game can work.

by Marc Allie 2
Gnomes on a submarine, what could go wrong?

Tabletop Co-Op: Red November

This month, we're taking a bit of a different spin for Tabletop Co-Op. Typically, I don't think of this series of articles as reviews. There is no scoring system of any kind, and generally speaking, I try to concentrate on the mechanics, theme, and cooperative nature of the mechanics without too much critique one way or the other. But for Red November, I can't help but look at it from a more critical angle. I wanted to like this game, but I didn't. Why?

by Paul Acevedo 1
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Co-op Achievements? Check.

Double Dragon: Neon's Achievements are 'Wizard' Cool

People used to say wizard as an adjective, all by itself, just as we now use the word cool. It's true; I saw it in a movie once. But nowadays calling something wizard would just elicit looks of confusion. "Is he saying that Double Dragon: Neon's Achievements wear long robes and cast magic spells?" they might wonder. But what other noun used as an adjective could be more appropriate for an Achievement list that actually references Fred Savage's 1989 magnum opus film The Wizard? None, I say! As it turns out, pretty much all of Neon's Achievements overflow with the game's tongue-in-cheek style of humor and machismo.

by Andrew Gaskill 1

The Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 8.27.2012

Oh thank goodness! This week marks the end of August. September is upon us. Kids go back to school, the summer lull is over, and one of the biggest co-op games of the year is only a few weeks away. This week isn't really offering up too much in the way of new releases but we do have some quality titles expanding their availability. 

by Paul Acevedo 3
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New Dodonpachi Shmup Coming to Xbox 360 in Japan Next Year

Japanese shoot-em-up makers CAVE have recently expressed interest in leaving the console market for the mobile market's greener pastures. Yet it turns out they have another Xbox 360 release in store for us after all. Dodonpachi Saidaioujou (a title which is extremely unpleasant to type and has no direct English translation) , the latest in CAVE's long-running Dodonpachi series, will make the transition from arcades to 360 next year.

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