by Nick Puleo 15
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • nintendo wii

Netflix Splitting in Two, Adding Games as it Renames itself Qwikster

Netflix dropped a bombshell on its customers late last night announcing it was splitting it's DVD by mail service and streaming service into two separate companies.  While a major price increase was announced just months ago, this announcement was supposed to be the grand plan all along...or so it seems.  With that Netflix is becoming a streaming media only company while their new DVD service is being called Qwikster.

by Nick Puleo 4
  • playstation 3
  • couch
  • online
We check out the four player co-op Ratchet and Clank goodness

Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One Beta Impressions

PlayStation Plus Members (and a few lucky members on our Facebook page) managed to get access to the Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One beta this past week.  It's a bit odd to have a beta for a platformer, something that's typically reserved for first person shooters trying to do balance and server tweaks before launch, but All 4 One game isn't your typical platformer.

by Paul Acevedo 5
  • xbox 360
  • online

Gears of War 3 Season Pass and Purchasable Weapon Skins Revealed, May Inspire Madness in Some

Epic’s Director of Production, Rod Fergusson, recently revealed numerous details about Gears of War 3 via a live video stream. Of chief interest are the game’s downloadable content details. First off, Epic will be selling a Season Pass that includes the first four major DLC releases for 2400 Microsoft Points. That’s a savings of $10 as the items will cost 3600 Points separately. Sure, you could wait a year and get them on sale for even less than the cost of the Season Pass, but who wants to get so far behind in Gears 3’s multiplayer? Actually, at least one piece of content will add to the single-player campaign and apparently be more significant than Gears of War 2’s “Road to Ruin” Deleted Scene.

by Marc Allie 3

Our Weekend In Gaming: Whole Lotta Gaming Goin' On

Cooler temperatures and a hint of fall are in the air.  You know what that means: there are many, MANY new games available to play.  The fall rush of video game releases is keeping your friendly neighborhood Co-Optimus staff very busy this weekend.  One lucky staffer is playing a game so new, it hasn't even been released yet!  Are we living in the future or what?

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