by Mike Katsufrakis 4
  • pc

Din's Curse Co-Op Review

What happens when you take Diablo and mash it back together with the roguelike genre that inspired it in the first place? Odds are, you'd come up with something similar to Din's Curse, an action RPG from indie developer Soldak Entertainment.

by Jim McLaughlin 7

Battlefield Report: April 15, 2010

If you haven't played Battlefield: Bad Company 2, you're missing a good game. Of course, it's an acquired taste, but there's only one way to acquire it. This month we take a look at the sniper class in Bad Company 2 and why it's so different from other games.

by Jason Love 0
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360

Skate 3 Demo Now Available With Online Multiplayer, No Co-Op

During PAX East, we heard from a couple of the community managers from EA that a demo for Skate 3 would be available on XBLA and PSN on April 15.  Well, today is the day and skateboarding fans everywhere can check out the latest in the Skate franchise for themselves.  While the demo is a good length and offers plenty to do (a tutorial plus 10 challenges and a few online multiplayer modes), it's a shame that it doesn't allow you to call up some of your friends to skate around and participate in challenges together.  Still, May 11 isn't that far away and this is one of the few demos I've played where you get a pretty good feel of what the rest of the game will be like.

by Nick Puleo 1
  • playstation network
  • couch
  • online

Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype Hits PSN this May

The Original Söldner-X: Himmelssturmer has possibly the longest and hardest name to say for a side scrolling shooter ever.  Seriously, it sounds like you have a mouth full of hot taco beef and tried to recite Shakespeare.  But there's a sequel now, one that isn't as hard to pronounce, it's called Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype and it's an upgrade from it's predecessor in a handful of ways.

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