by Marc Allie 0
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Co-op? It\'s about time

Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void Co-Op Review

Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void is the latest expansion to the extremely popular RTS giant. In addition to wrapping up the Starcraft II storyline, Legacy of the Void brings with it not just one but two cooperative gameplay modes. Co-Op Missions and Archon mode are vastly different from one another, and both have their own strengths and weaknesses....

by Nick Puleo 0
  • pc
Virtual couch co-op becomes a reality

How VR Could Change Co-Op Gaming Forever

Virtual Reality (VR) are two words which are about to have a huge impact in the world of co-op gaming. Tech industry leaders like Facebook, Samsung and Sony are currently tripping over themselves in the rush to become VR global leaders and seize the sizeable market. You may already have tried out a beta version of VR but the latest technology is literally going to transport you to a different world. Devices are as simple as headphones and a visor but the experiences the technology can now produce are astounding. 

by Enoch Starnes 0
  • xbox 360
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  • couch
  • online
Time to dig out those heisting gloves.

Monaco Has Been Added To The Xbox One Backwards Compatibility List

Thieves, brigands, and cut-purses alike have flown a little under the radar on Microsoft's current-gen console.  Sure, you've got your "Big Bosses" and your "Templars" and whatnot, but aside from that, stealth enthusiasts have largely had to dwell in the shadows and console each other with unsuspecting neck snaps.  It wasn't always this way, though.  Once upon a time, a little game called Monaco: What's Yours is Mine tiptoed its way directly into our hearts.

by Enoch Starnes 0
Also the name of the Hawthorne Heights documentary.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Prepare To Cry Edition

Well, gang, it's that time of week again.  It's a time filled with potential, hope, and as little work as humanly possible.  Unfortunately, this weekend will also be filled with plenty of cursing and gnashing of teeth, as Dark Souls 3 has just hit the market.  Between all the praising and whatnot, I suspect that the next couple days will play host to countless deaths of both the deserved and undeserved variety.

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