by Christopher Metz 0
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Two great idie developers keep us in the loop.

Charlie Murder Devs List Potential Fixes in an Upcoming Update

XBLA summer title, Charlie Murder, has yet to receive an solid update since launch on August 14th. Based on all the superb feedback they’ve been getting from the fans, Ska Studios has taken it and will be using it to solidly update  their co-op game. In fact, the gaming world got news of this personally stated from the co-develope...

by Jason Love 1
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(Mis)adventures to be had!

Co-Opticrew Plays Risk of Rain Beta

Last night, the usual podcasting Co-Opticrew (minus one) streamed some of our playtime in the upcoming sci-fi platformer rogue-life, Risk of Rain. Mike and I fought through three of the game's levels, even braving it long enough to reach "Impossible" difficulty (which is just as hard as the name implies), while Nick did his best to keep up with us. Fun times were had by all and we've capture these precious moments for you to enjoy.

by Nick Puleo 142
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GTA What?

Saints Row IV PC and PlayStation 3 Giveaway

Sure there might be another open world game out you've been seeing dominating your friends list, but there's a problem. There's no way to play co-op in Grand Theft Auto V...yet. There's a bigger problem too, GTA doesn't have awesome super powers or a dubstep gun. It's sort of a no contest really. Would you rather play tennis and hanglide or shoot some fools with sick beats while flying like Superman. So if you're a cool cat here's your chance to enter our giveaway for Saints Row IV courtesy of Deep Silver.

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