by D.J. Waaland 3
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Cue the cycle of internet rage and bliss

Halo 4 to Receive Massive Weapons Update

343 Studios will be putting out a massive weapon update to Halo 4 very soon. As a part of an ongoing effort to balance the game and ensure fair play and longevity, the team at 343 will be changing something about virtually every weapon in the arsenal. The patch will roll out for the Xbox 360 on June 3. Perhaps the biggest change will be made to the Battle Rifle, which will see an increase and damage, and the capability of killing a player in four bursts. Conversely, the rate of fire has been decreased for the gun, and the reticle range for auto-aim has been decreased. For a complete list of the weapons tweaks that will come as a part of the update, take a look below.

by Tally Callahan 1
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Get ready to take command of your soldiers with the new CoH2 trailer

Company of Heroes 2 Storms in with a New Trailer

Company of Heroes 2 is the sequel to the much beloved RTS Company of Heroes. Since the first game was so highly regarded, no one disputes the fact that Company of Heroes 2 has some major commando boots to fill. Is it up to the task? According to our own Nick and Locke, things were looking extremely promising when they went hands-on with the game at PAX Prime 2012. The good news continued when a new mode was announced for the game called Theater of War which has 9 missions per faction that can be played cooperatively. Quite a quantitative improvement over the lonely cooperative mission of Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor.

by Nick Puleo 0

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for May, 2013

I always consider June to be the start of Summer, even though it technically is three weeks away. Still here we are with June at its precipice and E3 a little over a week away. May was a surprisingly strong month for co-op gamers with releases like Fuse, Resident Evil Revelations and Van Helsing. While the news was mostly quiet, there was one big exception, the announcement of the Xbox One.

by Sam Tyler 1
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Ain't they cute

Get a Glimpse of a Fresh Faced Flash: Young Justice Trailer

We were all young once, nowadays we have bad backs and no energy, but I remember a day when we flew through the air, ran as fast as the wind and talked to squids.  Wait a second; these aren't my memories, but those of Young Justice: Legacy, the upcoming 3 player co-op game coming to PC, XBLA and PSN.  The new trailer shows off the DC young bucks during gameplay.

by Christopher Metz 0
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Think of this as the Mario Galaxy of the Sonic franchise...

Sega Introduces Some Amazing 3D Environments in Sonic Lost World

Since Sonic 4: Episode 2 was released, fans we looking for a more polished, but modern take on the Sonic the Hedgehog series. SEGA moved closer to that vision with titles such as Sonic Generations and Sonic Colors, but fans believed that Sonic's potential could really shine in a true, next gen game. Announced by proudly by SEGA in their continual team-up with Nintendo, a brand new Sonic the Hedgehog game, Sonic Lost World, with a whole new look and a literal twist to the classic Sonic landscapes might finally give die-hard fans their wish!

by Guest Author: 0

Co-Opticast Episode 108: The Xbox One Episode

The Co-Opticrew is back with their thoughts on the Xbox One the rumors surrounding just how the gaming market is going to change and what it all means while proclaiming about PC gaming superiority. Speaking of which there's plenty of talk about Fallen Enchantress, Skyward Collapse and several other titles along with some E3 rumors.

by D.J. Waaland 3
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A bold move from video game monolith

EA to Eliminate the Online Pass Model

Good news to those of us who own games, or who plan on owning games, made by EA that contain an online pass. EA is moving to phase out the online pass model completely. EA has stated "As we discontinue Online Pass for our new EA titles, we are also in the process of eliminating it from all our existing EA titles as well. We heard the feedback from players and decided to do away with Online Pass altogether."

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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A fresh crop of monsters

Soul Sacrifice Headless Knight and Starved Citizenry DLC Impressions

Free DLC is kind of like sex; even when it's bad, it's good. The new Soul Sacrifice DLC isn't bad. It's just brief. So the sex analogy still applies. The "Headless Knight and Starved Citizenry" pack features two new bosses, eight new missions (sort of), SNS (That's social network support. I had to look it up. I'm old. I admit it.) and a few other minor, but useful updates. There's also a new Black Rite, "Berserker," which can be downloaded separately. It's also free.

by D.J. Waaland 3
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The love child of Hexen and Diablo?

New Details for Techland's Hellraid Released

If you have been following the news on the site recently, you may be familiar with the new IP from Techland, the minds behind Dead Island. This new game is called Hellraid, and up until now, not much has been known about the game, save for a few enticing screenshots. Hellraid is a new "first-person co-op slasher" that will feature a single player campaign and a cooperative component. It will be released on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC later this year.

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