by Sam Tyler 3
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An new image suggest that many of the DC cannon will appear in LEGO Batman 2

DC Heroes Come to LEGO Batman's Rescue

As a superhero, Batman is a bit of a loner.  Except for Alfred.  And Robin.  And Batgirl, Oracle, Commissioner Gordon, the Justice League.  It appears that Batman is no loner at all, he loves to be surrounded by friends and family (as long as he has an up to date dossier of how to destroy them should they turn rogue).  A new image suggests that LEGO Batman is no different and that LEGO Batman 2 may contain more DC heroes than any one supervillain can handle.

by Eric Murphy 12
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Join Co-Optimus for Three Co-Op Nights in December

I love the holiday season, don't you? All the hot games are out so there's plenty of fun to be had, everyone is in the holiday spirit, and we all burn the last of our vacation only to spend it at home. Plus it's so freakin' cold that you don't want to leave the house. Alright, well maybe that's just a problem for us Northerners. Wherever you happen to live, you're welcome encouraged to join us for three (3) co-op nights this December. Yes, you read that correctly, three (3) co-op nights in a month. Are we crazy? Probably, but that just makes our co-op nights even more enjoyable.

by Eric Murphy 0

CCV Blog Wrap-up for November

We've had a busy November with new releases, but a fair number of you managed to sneak in a blog for this month's CCV topic: Collectors Editions. Maybe the swanky Lord of the Rings: War in the North Collectors Edition had something to do with it. Regardless, let's take a look at a couple recent entries.

by Andrew Gaskill 6
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Mass Effect 3 Collector's Edition Details

Gamestop has posted details on the Mass Effect 3 Collector's Edition.  It will cost you $80 smackers and net you a nice selection of physical and digital swag.  I didn't see anything that was specifically for the co-op mode, but there's still some nice items, including a lithograph of the Normandy, a robotic dog, as well as the obligatory art book and metal case. Collector's Editions are all the rage right now.  Will you be picking it up? 

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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Dead Island Wishes You a Merry Xmas With A Calendar Contest

Today Deep Silver announced a special Christmas Promotion for the excellent four player co-op survival title, Dead Island.  I don't really know what dismembering reanimated corpses has to do with Christmas, but let's just go with it.  They recently launched a new website that will have some sort of macabre daily calender offering up new contests that will allow gamers to explore Dead Island, "putting their knowledge of both the game and international zombie lore in general to the test."  I have no idea how this is going to work, but I'm curious.

by Nick Puleo 0

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for November 2011

Well hello there busy November!  We saw a whopping 27 games get released this month - that's almost one co-op game a day.  Insanity.  Don't worry we had you covered with over 13 co-op reviews and a ton of other great content like plenty of new videos!  Sweet.  Here's some of the stuff you may have missed in all the chaotic gaming goodness this November, 2011.

by Nick Puleo 1
  • nintendo wii
Dear Santa, I would like a Green Mushroom. Love, Sally

Co-Optimus 2011 Holiday Buyer's Guide Nintendo Wii and DS Edition

It's been a rough year for fans of Nintendo's console and handhelds as the Nintendo Wii is on its way out to make way for the WiiU and the Nintendo DS saw itself replaced by the 3DS - which wasn't quite the product most were hoping for. With that in mind if you REALLY have someone that wants a Wii for the holidays, that's about the only way we can recommend getting one at this point for co-op gaming. Of course, this still a lot of Nintendo goodness to get!

by Sam Tyler 0
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Konami have launched the new Birds of Steel website and some new screen shots of the game

Chocks Away with the new Birds of Steel Website and Screens

Wotwot, By Jove and Tally Ho!  It is so rare nowadays that I get to trot out my Gentlemen English.  The type of language that our brave boys used to use when flying in the Great Wars; a cigarette in one hand, a glass of sherry in the other and still enough skill to shoot down the enemy using only their thighs to steer.  You can relive this experience in the upcoming Birds of Steel.  A new website has launched for the game, along with some new screenshots.

by Nick Puleo 2
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Trine 2 PC Details Include Cross Platform Play, Steamworks, and 3D Support

Frozenbyte has confirmed some swanky features for the PC version of Trine 2, which releases early next month.  The game will utilize Steamworks for achievements, friends, and matchmaking for the three player co-op mode.  Best of all - PC and Mac users can play the copy on either platform thanks to SteamPlay support.   Even better, the game allows for cross platform play between the PC and Mac!

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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Two New Videos For Harry Potter: Years 5-7

Still looking for a little something for the kids this holiday season?  Harry Potter: Years 5-7 is a good choice.  It brings what has become classic Lego game humor to the darker books in the Harry Potter series.  It's amazing that the block-born characters can tell such great stories with little more than exaggerated movements and comical grunts.  Check out the two videos below.  One features locations, locations, locations, and the other displays some of the button mashing combat that you and a friend will enjoy.

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