by Nick Puleo 4
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Female gun toting character highlighted in the latest batch of screens.

New Dead Island Screens Showcase Purna

A fresh batch of screenshots just hit the net from Dead Island showcasing the game's fourth character named Purna.  She's a former Australian cop and a gun expert, though sadly, she won't be finding much in the way of firearms in Dead Island.  When she does find the limited resource you can bet she'll put it to good use.  She joins Xian Mei (knives), Sam B (melee) and Logan (throwing weapons) as playable characters in the game.

by Nick Puleo 2
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The latest Sam game finally gets a date - sadly - missing its "summer" window.

Serious Sam 3: BFE Dated - New Screens, Video and Pre-Order Deals

Serious Sam 3: BFE has been given an official release date.  You'll be blasting away with 16 other Sams in co-op on October 18th when the game is released via digital channels like Steam.  While October isn't quite summer anymore, like originally planned, it's still not too far off.  Your price is $39.99 for the regular edition and $49.99 for the digital deluxe edition.  

by Jim McLaughlin 1
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With Augmented Reality You, Too, Can Kick Rabbids

Rabbids: Alive and Kicking Screenshots - D'aaahh!!

The Rabbids are back! Yet again! Seriously - these guys don't quit. Once a surprisingly fun phenomenon that made the Nintendo Wii worth playing, they're invading the Xbox 360 Kinect this November with Rabbids: Alive & Kicking. Augmented reality gimmicks and classic Rabbids humor abound, it looks like up to four players will be able to take part in party-oriented minigames.

by Marc Allie 1
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Act Fast: Tidalis On Sale for $1.50 on Steam!

An 85% discount on an item is a pretty good deal, wouldn't you think?  You could pick up a brand new Corvette for under ten grand.  A nice steak dinner for under $5.  An mp3 download for fifteen cents.  Or, you could pick up a highly polished, deep, and charming puzzle game with an innovative co-op mode for $1.50. 

by Andrew Gaskill 2
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Do you want to do a B and E?

Overkill Software Talks Payday: The Heist

Simon Vicklund of Overkill Software recently sat down with the good folks at PlayStation.Blog to talk about Payday: The Heist.  If that name seems familiar to you, it's because I played through a level of Payday with Simon in my E3 preview.  And you have an incredibly random memory.  They talk about all things Payday, and even mention where they drew inspiration from (Dane Cook!?!?!).  Read on to see 17 minutes of footage edited into a :46 second, short-attention-span-friendly trailer and some of the highlights from the interview.

by Andrew Gaskill 15
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*PING* *PING* *PING* - New Trailer is IN THE ROOM!

Motion Trackers Reveal a new Trailer for Aliens: Colonial Marines

Well this certainly doesn't suck. The new Aliens: Colonial Marines trailer actually looks quite stupendous. The atmosphere and sound are perfect. We even get a glimpse of a Power Loader and an Alien Queen. Looks like Gearbox wants to remind everyone that all their efforts aren't just going to Borderlands 2.

by Nick Puleo 0
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There's nothing finer than zombie heads floating in zero gravity.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection Screens, Achievements, Out Now

All co-op, all the time.  The latest DLC pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops is out and it features nothing but co-op zombie slaying across five maps including the brand new Moon map in zero gravity.  The other four maps are remasters of the World at War maps which were available to owners of the Prestige and Limited edition of Call of Duty: Black Ops already.

by Nick Puleo 1
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Latest video from the YouTube film maker is sponsored by Codemasters.

Freddie Wong Joins the Bodycount

I've talked about Freddie Wong before on Co-Optimus, the YouTube film maker creates slick action shorts around some subject and loads them up with special effects.  His work has attracked the likes of John Favreau, Kevin Pollack, and Andy Whitfield who have all appeared in a short.  One of my favorite scenes he put together was one called "Flower Warfare."

by Nick Puleo 1
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Blades of Time Slices into Co-Op Action

Hey Konami's Blades of Time was revealed back at E3, but we somehow missed the two player cooperative title while at the show.  Perhaps it was all the shiny madness that surrounded us.  The game is being developed by Gaijin, who's other co-op title was Apache: Air Assault.  I know - odd combo.  Giant metal helicopters and tiny metal clad bikini girls.  Where do we sign up?

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