by Nick Puleo 3

Our Weekend in Gaming - Buried in a Game Pile

Like a four year old buried in a leaf pile, the staff are dropped under a pile of fall gaming goodness.  Whether it's a major release like Gears of War 3 or Battlefield 3, or a co-op board game like Pandemic.  It seems like a good weekend to have the problem of "too many games" too - some of the United States is supposed to get snow which means a perfect time for staying indoors and playing.

by Andrew Gaskill 2
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LOTR: War in the North Launch Trailer Looks Amazing

Every time I write off The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, another awesome trailer pulls me back into the Tolkien hype machine.  This latest video has got it all: maps, rings, fire, eyes, eyes on fire, and undead horseys, all in the first thirteen seconds!  Choose your ranger, elf, or dwarf and get to troll stabbin'.  You had better bring some friends.  It looks like Agandaur has been eating his electrified Wheaties, because his force lightning looks bad-ass.  Strength, courage, fellowship!  

by Nick Puleo 14
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Fighting a different kind of war.

Battlefield 3 Co-Op Review

The greatest war represented on video game consoles this generation is not set in World War 2, modern times, or even the future - it’s the war between the Call of Duty franchise and everyone else. EA has tried once before to settle the score, taking CoD head on with their Medal of Honor franchise with little effect. The latest attack has come in the form of Battlefield 3, a franchise who’s roots are in the PC but found new life with the Bad Company series on consoles. Battlefield 3 spans both PC and console and is definitely EA’s answer to Call of Duty, but does the focus on this war cost Battlefield 3 what has defined the series?

by Tally Callahan 0
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Get access to the Trine 2 co-op beta by by pre-ordering on Steam

Trine 2 Co-Op Beta Live for Steam Pre-Orders

Are you slowly going mad as you wait for the release of Trine 2, the sequel to the hit indie physics platformer of 2009? If so, you may want to consider pre-ordering the game on Steam (either PC or Mac). Just pre-ordering through Steam grants you access to the Trine 2 co-op beta where you can shoot, slash, and levitate your way through two levels. If that isn't enough of an incentive for those of you wavering about a pre-order, the Frozenbyte CEO has also said that "a few very cool TF2 hats are coming as pre-order bonuses." Yep, you a pre-order game on Steam and there's like a 90% chance (real statistic, I swear) you'll be getting Team Fortress 2 peraphenalia. Pfft to you, immersion (I say this, but secretly covet my TF2 familiars in Dungeon Defenders...).

by Nick Puleo 6
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Magicka: The Stars Are Left DLC Announced

Paradox have announced a new piece of downloadable content for the four player co-op PC game, Magicka.  Titled "The Stars are Left," this new DLC is inspired by many Lovecraft-ian mythos including Cthulhu.  They also promise to make fun of other crafts and I'm not talking about basket weaving.  The main feature of this DLC is a brand new adventure campaign.

by Sam Tyler 4
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A new promotional video for LotR: War in the North is packed full of 'famous' people

Let Famous People Try to Sell You The Lord of the Rings: War in the North

Unless you have featured in film or television I don't care about your opinion on Lord of the Rings.  Go home Professor of English Literature at Oxford University; see you Grandpa who actually knew Tolkien - neither of you have the kudos of some bloke off Big Bang Theory or one of the Hobbits from the films.  Snowblind Studios understand my needs with their new promotional video for The Lord of the Rings: War in the North.  Talk to us all famous people.

by Marc Allie 8
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The sound of parents' wallets screaming

Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure Co-Op Review

Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure is one of the most unusual games I've ever played. It is much more than just a game; it is a media juggernaut including a toyline, an adventure game on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Wii, a platformer for the 3DS, and even a light MMO on the PC or Mac. The various components work together seamlessly due to the innovative design of the toys themselves. It is incredibly polished, and it's clear that careful thought was given to even the smallest details.

by Andrew Gaskill 4
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Saints Row: The Third - Initiation Station Video, Plus Two More Cherished Memories

The Saints Row: The Third Initiation Station is in its beta phase.  What the hell is an "initiation station?"  Why it's an honest to goodness character creator!  Of course, there is a Saints Row twist.  You can see what the community has come up with right here.  Yup.  That's happening.  Not only can you customize your character, you can also give them some obscene gestures!  I think "Pillow Princess" may get my vote for "the most awkward gesture to view in polite company," but there are many others that are just as bad.  

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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Check Out Cyborg Frank West in this Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Video

Nice face, Frank.  If you're sick of looking at Frank West's ugly mug and want to get your Tetsuo: Iron Man on, you're in luck.  The Cyborg Skills Pack DLC was announced last week and is available NOW.  It gives you a sleek T-800 look and some nice electric effects like that lightning guy had in Big Trouble in Little China.   By the way, Frank is definitely probing a zombie at the end of the video.  Awesome?

by Nick Puleo 10
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The Galaxy is at War, Bring your Friends

Mass Effect 3 Hands On Co-Op Impressions

It was the on again, off again, rumor of 2011. Mass Effect 3 will be getting co-op. It won’t be getting co-op. The fact of the matter is - Mass Effect 3 will have a co-op mode, I’ve seen it and I’ve played it, and it’s good.  The entire co-op campaign is part of a larger system called The Galaxy at War.  While the details to this are still completely under wraps it appears that doing certain extra things like playing co-op, participating in a social game, or other similar things can effect what happens during the ending sequences of Mass Effect 3 much like doing the loyalty missions in Mass Effect 2 effected the ending of that game.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Age of Empires Online Gets Premium Persians

Age of Empires Online has added its first major race, the Persians.  With this premium content you get immediate access to level 20 in the game.  The Persians have all custom units, a new tech tree, and all unique architecture and unique gear.  This makes them play completely different than the Greeks or Egyptians that were part of the free base game.

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