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Our Weekend in Gaming - This Space is Still Dead Edition
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Our Weekend in Gaming - This Space is Still Dead Edition

Also Emblems are on Fire

Dead Space 3 continues to dominate most of our playtime,but surprisingly another lesser known co-op game has been making its rounds among the staff - Fire Emblem Awakening.  Also take note we've got two new staff members joining the crew and you'll be seeing them around a lot more.  

Nick Puleo (@NickPuleo) - "I'll be wrapping up Dead Space 3 and possibly playing some Civ 5 or Elemental for my strategy fix.  Possibly some Alien Breed on the Vita." 

Andrew Gaskill (@cubninja) - "I'll be forsaking much of my backlog for my sexy dexy build in Dark Souls. I also have a handful of side missions to wrap up in Dead Space 3. "

Mike Katsufrakis (@Pheriannath) -  "It's been all about Fire Emblem: Awakening lately, although yesterday I decided to start a new character in Skyrim, so who knows where the weekend will take me?"

Marc Allie (@DjinniMan- "I rented Aliens Colonial Marines last night thinking I could play it over the long weekend. I believe we'll be playing Skylanders and LEGO Lord of the Rings instead." 

Jason Love (@JLove55- "The big move is here so I'll be playing all the classics: Boxxle, Tetris, and something that hopefully doesn't resemble Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing."

Eric Murphy (@smurph_em)- "I guess I'm one of the suckers who pre-ordered Aliens Colonial Marines, so I'll be trying to get my money's worth out of that, plus Syndicate, Halo 4, and maybe XCOM: Enemy Unknown.

Sam Tyler (@reelsamtyler) - "LEGO The Lord of the Rings will no doubt fill my every waking hour as my partner forces me to find every last item."

Locke Vincent (@LockeVincent- "Tinkering in the lab with a new PC build, as well as writing a review for Omerta: City of Gangsters. "

Tally Callahan - "Fire Emblem Awakening for me!"

Chris Metz (@The_Lemko- "Dead Space 3 is where I'll be most of the time."

DJ Waaland (@FusRoDJ)- " I'll be finishing up Serious Sam Double D XXL for review.  Also, I will be grinding supports in Fire Emblem, and possibly finishing up Far Cry 3."

John Bardinelli (@itsamejohn) - "System Shock 2! With any luck I'll be able to round up the old crew so we can actually party like it was 1999. Without The Phantom Menace, of course."

What are you going to be playing?

