by Jason Love 0
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • couch
  • online

Skate 3 Gameplay Video Shows Off Co-Op Moves

In just a few days Skate 3, the third game in the successful Skate franchise, will hit store shelves and bring with some opportunities for you and your friends to tackle the skating world co-op style.  EA sent us a new video of the game with in-game footage that shows off a few tricks and co-op challenges in action.  Players can team up to tackle photo challenges, compete in races against computer opponents, and "own the lot."

by Nick Puleo 9
  • xbox 360

Alan Wake - The Review

What if you were reading this review, and instead of a review, you were reading about yourself reading this review? Quite the dichotomy, isn't it? Alan Wake by Remedy Entertainment in a way poses the same predicament for the lead character who shares his name with the game's title. Mr. Wake, who is also a bestselling author, seems to have lost a period of time in his life. Unsure of what happened to the past week, he starts stumbling on pieces of a novel which describe the events that are currently unfolding in his life. Is Alan just a pawn in a novel himself? Could some sinister dark force be at work here? Or perhaps Alan is just crazy.

by Katrina Pawlowski 0

On The Download Issue 9: Ace Fox 360

This weeks On The Download will feature plenty of brand new downloadable co-op news, including some hot topics like Halo Reach's Beta, loads of new releases and even a rumor. We're also going to revisit the world of Aces of the Galaxy - one of my favorite recent co-op purchases on the XBLA.

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