by Jason Love 5
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Atlus Bringing Co-Op Action RPG to U.S.

Publishing company Atlus, best known for the Shin Megami Tensei/Persona series of games, announced yesterday that it would be bringing From Software's, best known for the Armored Core series, action RPG Demon’s Souls to our shores.  Being billed as a “hardcore RPG,” this title, which saw a February release date in Japan, features the one element that we here at Co-Optimus always want to see more of: co-op.  Two other players will be able to join you in your quest to hack, slash, and quest your way through goblins, dragons, and other fantastical creatures.

by Marc Allie 3
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This Week in Co-Op: Dynasty Warriors Gundam

I have to be quite honest with you: I have a serious weakness for giant robots.  Shogun Warriors, Voltron, and best of all, the Transformers had a profound effect on me as a kid.  This same awe and passion for enormous mechanical automatons has been passed on to my kids.  So, when we saw Dynasty Warriors Gundam playing on a kiosk, it was only a matter of time before we tried it out.  Co-op meets giant robots?  What could be better, right?

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