by Jason Love 0
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Remember, it's All About Style

New Assassin's Creed 3 DLC Adds Maps and Characters to Wolfpack

One of the fall's more anticipated AAA titles was the third, and final (for this story line, at least), entry in the Assassin's Creed series. At long last everything would be revealed/resolved. The whole sordid purpose behind the Templar's schemes. Why Desmond's ancestors were so important. Why Desmond has father issues. Why there was this whole futuristic doomsday plot in the first place. Ok, so not everything was clear. At least it ended, right? Even if you weren't all that into the game's story/premise, there was still plenty there to enjoy. Like the newly added "Wolfpack" co-op mode, which was one of the highlights for us. Good news arrives today as new maps and new playable characters will be available via the "Battle Hardened" DLC pack, slated to hit the Xbox tomorrow, Jan. 8. PS3 owner's can pick up the new content Wednesday, Jan. 9 and, last but not least, it will go up for PC players next Tuesday, Jan. 15.

by Nick Puleo 0
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One step closer to the space combat resurgence.

Dawnstar Brings Co-Op Space Combat and Loot to PC This Week

Let's face it, space combat games are a tough genre to find anymore.  Thanks to the indie movement though, we're seeing a slight comeback in a genre which once features games like X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, Wing Commander and many, many more.  This week there's an indie release sneaking out from upstart developer Wraith Entertainment.  The game is called Dawnstar and it has a lot of potential.

by Tally Callahan 0
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Want Code of Princess, but don't like boxes? Nintendo has your back.

Code of Princess Available in the Nintendo eShop

The retail version of Code of Princess, the RPG/beat 'em up hybrid for the 3DS, was released back in October. Just recently, however, the game was put up into the Nintendo eShop for those of us who just like to download our games and jump right into them (or have a fear of boxes). The eShop allows 3DS owners to purchase the game for $39.99 with either their credit card or a Nintendo pre-paid card. 

by Sam Tyler 0
  • playstation network
New dance game coming to PSN this January

Ho, Ho, Ho It's Dance Magic You Know

Who says that the January release schedule is dead?  OK, perhaps it is quieter than usual, but there are new co-op games to be found, if you are willing to look a little off beat.  Dance Magic will be disappearing from the pre-release lists and magically reappearing exclusively on PSN from 8th January.  The game is a Move operated disco simulator that allows 2 player co-op online as well as mysterious collaborative dancing.

by Jason Love 0
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Our Selection of Indie Games to "Watch" in the New Year

Indie-Ana Co-Op - Most Anticipated Indie Titles for 2013

A new year means a new year of gaming to which to look forward. While there are a few AAA co-op titles set to release over the next few months that we're excited about, there are also quite a few independent co-op games that are slated to come out within the first 6 months of the year. So, without further ado, we present to you our most anticipated indie co-op titles of 2013, in no particular order.

by Paul Acevedo 0
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There be dragons in this footage

Crimson Dragon Demo and DLC Leak on Japanese Xbox 360 Marketplce

It seems like we've been waiting ages for Crimson Dragon, the spiritual successor to SEGA's cult-favorite Panzer Dragoon series. Since Microsoft hasn't shared news on the game in more than half a year, the universe seemingly took it upon itself to throw us a bone: the game's PAX East 2012 demo recently leaked on the Japanese Xbox 360 Marketplace, along with a handful of DLC. We didn't get a chance to grab the demo before it was pulled, but the footage we share with you now is the next best thing.

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