by Nick Puleo 0
  • xbox 360
  • online
Halo 4 sells a ton of copies

Time and Money are the Master Chief's Greatest Weapons

Halo 4 has sold a lot of copies since it launched a little over a week ago.  While the exact sales numbers are not available, Microsoft has decided to put the sales launch into dollar amounts.  So how much has Halo 4 sold?  In the first 24 hours over 220 Million dollars were spent on the game.  Let's say that the average selling price - when you take into account special editions, exchange rates, and everything else is $75.  That would mean the game has sold just shy of 3 million copies in one day.  Impressive to say the least.

by Christopher Metz 2
  • nintendo
  • couch
You don't want to have to share your GamePad with your buddies, do you?

Wii U GamePad Delay Affects Scribblenauts Unlimited Co-Op Potential

We’ve been looking closely into the Nintendo Wii U hardware and seeing what sort of capabilities for co-op it can hold. One such game that immediately comes to our minds, Scribblenauts Unlimited, practically screams co-op potential. Though it does have pretty interesting co-op features, the ideal co-op gameplay we’ve wanted since the series’ inception won’t come to fruition until 2013.

by Andrew Gaskill 0
  • playstation vita
Tap, tap, tap, drag

Orgarythm Lets Vita Players Get Their Groove On While Strategizing

Orgarhythm is a new hybrid video game for the PlayStation Vita. It mixes rhythm and strategy using the Vita's touch screen. After watching some of the videos, the game seems to have a Pikmin vibe. Players control a central figure who can dispatch three different types of soldiers which are governed by earth, fire, and water elemental strengths and weakness.  Two players can use an ad-hoc connection to share control of their soldiers and take on the forces of the God of Darkness. We've got two videos that show the game in action.  

by Nick Puleo 4
  • pc
  • couch
Please buy my game. :)

SCHAR: Blue Shield Alliance Now Available on Amazon

Today I'm proud to say the Indie game I helped create is now available to purchase via Amazon.  SCHAR Blue Shield Alliance is available in standard and deluxe editions via digital download.  While not a full retail release, to be listed on a major retailer is quite a milestone in my opinion.  We released the game in late August via Desura and had high hopes of getting it on Steam, but even with a Greenlight page I just don't see that happening.

by Nick Puleo 11
  • xbox 360
  • xbox
  • xbox live
Voice Chat made the difference

Xbox Live Turns 10, Looking Back at how Multiplayer Gaming Changed

In 2002 Microsoft launched an ambitious service to bring multiplayer online gaming to the console masses.  Requiring a broadband connection, which at the time seemed like a bad decision, Xbox Live launched with built in voice chat across every game.  This ladies and gentlemen was the best possible decision and clearly it had a large effect on how Xbox grew in the years to come.  

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